*** NOTE ***
Please, please, PLEASE, place an order on your MBC hoodies if you voted that you would buy one. Lilsusie has said she needs around 150 people to purchase them before she can order them, so it would really suck to lose this opportunity.
/end ***NOTE***
With that said, if anyone has any recommendations for extremely exciting games that they'd like to see cast please let me know. For now I am going to be casting the most recent games but I'm sure there are tons of epic games from within the last couple of months that I haven't seen yet.
I've never actually casted true professional games yet so I have a ton of room for improvement. I know people with vastly superior knowledge of the game compared to mine have said I have a lot to learn, but I'm just now getting into the grove of commentating and I find it extremely fun/rewarding. So please leave any feedback you have, even if you think I'm a total nubtard and don't ever want to hear my voice again.