Singapore66072 Posts
It's been almost 3 months since I signed up in TL, but I've been a lurker way before that. I lurked the general, broodwar and tourney forums, just leeching off as much as I could during my free time, while studying for my GCE O levels.
Then, after the end of my O levels, I found myself very free. Very, very free. I would spend almost 20 hours a day in front of my computer, ICCuping, playing on Garena, stuff like that. Then, I found a thread that would change my life (somewhat).
FakeSteve was in Singapore!
The thread is this one, where I made my first post.
After that, I started to contribute, making use of my Korean/English/Japanese/Chinese language knowledge and benefiting hundreds of others, just through small bit-by-bit contributions. First, it was just Live Reporting, then I started with my first interview translation, for the Fantasy vs Jaedong finals (link), then started translating on a regular basis.
So, enough on history lesson. Who exactly is this suddenly-appeared guy called by his ID konadora?
I'm a Korean who migrated to Singapore when I was aged 5 (6 in Korean age), due to my father being sent overseas by Hyundae to work here. After that, my father quit his job, started his own and made Singapore our new home.
I never forgot my roots, and visited my home country once a year, and attended Saturdays-only Korean school, but it was such a pain in the ass that I quit when I was in Primary 3 (what's that? Grade 3?). From then on, my only source of additional Korean language learning was from my daily conversation with my parents and watching the news on TV (we have a Korean channel here).
Unlike most Koreans living in Singapore however, I attended the local school, although I did attend an international school before that, learning a bit of French and hieroglyphics (which I have totally forgotten - I only remember 'pomme' is apple). This meant I had to take up another language which I hate a lot - Chinese. Korean wasn't offered as a 'Mother-Tongue' subject, and I didn't want to take Malay or Tamil (Indian language), so I had no choice but to take Chinese. Chinese made no sense to me, its words didn't make sense, it wasn't made up of letters, there was no easy way to remember them, just hardcore Singaporean-style study-study-study. I'm now trying to convince my principal to allow me to drop the language completely.
So, right now, I speak 4 languages, English, Korean, Chinese and Japanese. I took up Japanese last year because I have another hobby - Japanese, Anime and Manga culture.
I'll probably post other random thoughts related to SC from time to time in my blog, any questions feel free to drop them here.
<3 TL.net!
cool dude. how long you recon it will take to learn chinese / japanese or korean?
Germany / USA16648 Posts
3160 posts in 3 months, you're a madman
how the hell do you have 3160 posts already?
it's sick that you can speak all those languages, they take so much effort to learn
Singapore66072 Posts
I'm attending a proper Japanese school (run and taught by qualified Japanese teachers), and I've been attending for slightly over half a year now (currently half-way through Intermediate 2). I've some background knowledge on Japanese which may have helped, but I guess it'll take around at least half a year to a year to speak conversational Japanese.
As for Chinese, bleh. Years. When I first came to Singapore, it took me almost 4 years of studying Chinese to start speaking conversational Chinese fluently. Probably one of the hardest language ever after Arabic and Indian (god how do they write those).
As for Korean, it's somewhat similar to Japanese, just different letters and a few grammatical differences, I think it'll also take 6 months to a year. Gotta see how my friends are progressing (they are taking Korean lessons atm).
Singapore66072 Posts
Lol of the 3160 (3161 now, 3162 if I post this) posts, probably over 60% will be from LR threads.
Edit: Anyone wanna ICCup?
Germany / USA16648 Posts
Forum Percentage Tourneys & Leagues 67% Brood War 20% General Forum 4% Closed 3% Others... 7%
Total 3162 (Started 58 Threads) Today 105 Avg: 36.16 This Week 506 Avg: 253.12
Singapore66072 Posts
Hahaha lol I'm correct XD
Surprised my 'General Forum' posts make up only 4% though...
Singapore66072 Posts
Lol I understand everything.
Although I would prefer to end the sentences for Japanese in '-masu' form.
Like the first example,"朝、起きます。" would be more commonly used. Or maybe I just prefer to use it that way.
準備が全部できたら 家を出て 学校に行く。 Literal translation would be: 'Preparation, all, if done, home, leave (from), school, go towards'
Germany / USA16648 Posts
You're also one of the posters who got his star the fastest (maybe even the fastest? dunno) <3
looks kinda weird tho, because you havent been a member for long
Yah, konadora you're crazy. They have a place with padded walls for you.
Carnac, don't look now, but your mancrush is showing.
Edit: That being said, you are awesome konadora.
konata + toradora?
Is Hayate no Gotoku worth watching?
Also thanks a ton for your contributions, just don't burn yourself out on translating. Some of your translation efforts (OSL offlines, anyone?) have been monstrous.
On May 06 2009 09:08 Carnac wrote:You're also one of the posters who got his star the fastest (maybe even the fastest? dunno) <3 also: looks kinda weird tho, because you havent been a member for long
from a PM to konadora
You are pretty new (at least on this account) but have contributed so much and seems to be the quickest person ever to earn a star.
I knew it :D
Singapore66072 Posts
I think Smix got hers the fastest haha
@rgfdxm: Yes, Konata + Toradora  Hayate no Gotoku is so fucking awesome, especially because of Hinagiku, Rie Kugimiya voicing and Norio Wakamoto narrating.
I think that fall in post per week was because I was hospitalized.
I was hospitalized + on leave for 6 weeks, hence my suddenly burst of active participation
On May 06 2009 09:02 konadora wrote:Lol of the 3160 (3161 now, 3162 if I post this) posts, probably over 60% will be from LR threads. Edit: Anyone wanna ICCup? 
Me :O
Singapore66072 Posts
What rank are you :3
I'm D+/super low C- Terran
On May 06 2009 09:15 konadora wrote: What rank are you :3
I'm D+/super low C- Terran
I'm C terran but can offrace at D+ish if you don't like TvT, my TvT is terribad also.
On May 06 2009 09:08 konadora wrote: Although I would prefer to end the sentences for Japanese in '-masu' form.
Like the first example,"朝、起きます。" would be more commonly used. Or maybe I just prefer to use it that way.
In casual conversations, the -masu form is never used. I did study abroad in Japan after two years of classroom Japanese, and I had to unlearn half the classroom crap in order to keep people from chuckling at me.