(And now it's been two weeks since race wars x_X)
Game one of TvP! I spawn at 1:00 as a yellow terran and X-Hunter spawns at 10:00 as a white protoss
I open up with a wall-in and scout a bit after my rax starts
This SCV scouts the wrong way :[
His probe scout is a bit late and gets denied by my wall-in...
No scouting for you :D
...so I decide to SUPER TWO FACT him
This build is awesome. Srsly
Unluckily for me, though, my scv scouted the wrong way and I meet his 12nex just as it finishes up
광빠라능 (2008-08-26 10:24:26)
확실히 요즘의 대세는 더블넥이니까요... 최소한 2지선다?
Recent trend is double nexus….
Yeah, remember to listen to the koreans >_<
He has more gates than I have factories :[
So I decide to push out with >6< SCVs in hopes of dealing massive damage
Congo line!
I manage to reach his base fairly unopposed...
Die pylon die!
...but as soon as I open fire on the nexus, he attacks with his dragoons and probes to take me out
My SCVs are slightly out of position
My entire force is taken out (after this picture), but I manage to snipe a couple of probes
I seem a bit behind at this point
With my army dead, the protoss moves out to snipe my barracks
I hate it when this happens
I try to ninja a couple of vultures past his dragoon army...
Ninja ninja ninja~
...but he's semi-ready and only one vulture gets up the ramp
My vulture dies a couple of seconds later :[
However, I'm still massing vultures in an attempt to catch up
Jackpot [:
I manage to get a couple of probe kills, but I'm forced to back off once his obs arrive
I was hoping for a suicidal dragoon -> probe pop >_>
At this point my expo is nearly done and I decide to sit back and turtle up
phear the tanks
He comes in for an all-out counter, probably hoping to end the game right there
No flank [:
Luckily for me, my tanks make some goon soup
Repair power :D
In response, I move out with my mini-army in an attempt to deal some damage
It's rollin' time
I seige up outside his nat and begin pounding away...
...and begin a wall to make my tanks invincible~
I did manage to snipe a couple of probes
But just before my extra turrets finish up he forces an unseige...
Shuttles :[
...and breaks my 'contain'...
Probably should've made some vultures
...and rips down all my buildings :[
At least the SCVs made it, right?
The protoss decides to grab his mineral-only in response to my suicidal tanks
See that vulture at the bottom? It scouted every base except for that one
Since his shuttle is still alive, he decides to go in for a late bulldog...
...but I have a fairly decent army built up
Notice the command center
A couple of tanks die to splash..
..but he loses a bunch of goons as he backs off as well
I finally scout his mineral only and send some vultures to intercept his transfer
Stupid observers :[
For vengeance~
My command center is done at this point and I float it to my 3rd...
Liftoff > you
...where it is promptly spotted by an observer
This is the same observer that denied my probe-raping D:
However, I've begun ramping up my factory count
3 addons = mass tanks
He charges in once again
And backs off as soon as he sees I'm ready
Just checkin' the tank count >_>
I set up a couple more tanks for defense...
Lots and lots of tanks [:
...and send vultures around back to try and harass
Ninja time
I dump all my mines between his nat and minonly and head in for some kills
No obs this time ;o
Luckily for me, his cannons are only halfway done when I arrive
Probe-snipe :D
While my vultures are taken out, I mine up back at home in preparation for my push
Can't touch this~
I manage to get to his third without meeting any opposition
Sniping the third
I scan his force and it looks fairly small, so I try to pick off a bit of his army with my reinforcements
3base terran is unstoppable~
He has no obs with his army, so it melts to my mines, but I forget to scan and my army is destroyed anyways
Stasis nerf plx
Who needs obs, though, when you have MANLOTS?
Everyone knows obs are a waste of gas
But at this point I'm sieged right outside his nat
Vultures out of position >_>
He pulls off an uber-stasis, but doesn't have enough units to abuse it
srsly, nerf stasis plx
Not nearly enough units
Soup P=
My other force heads to his minonly...
3base terran is still unstoppable~
...where it gets stasis-owned
o gawd no
My vultures are left unfrozen, though, and I mine up (a LOT)
This is many mines, yes?
He manages to break my minefield, but his goons melt as soon as my tanks unstasis
That's right, die you stupid goons
Arbiters are apparently good against tanks >_>
I should've targetted the nexus...
At this point, though, it doesn't matter much
His pylons are going down...
Along with his 4th...
So he comes in for one last attack...
Which melts, even with the imbastasis
And it's on to game two! I'm 2-2 so far, so I have to win this to come out positive
I spawn at 5:00 as a teal (best color) terran and X-Hunter spawns at 11:00 as a red protoss.
He sends one of his first probes out...
Probes are so broken D:
...and begins a proxy just above my base
Does anyone find it imba that protoss can proxy, fail, and come out even?
This is to be expected on the cheesiest map of the set, however, so I wallin and send out an early SCV
Pandabearguy speaks the truth (except for terran proxies, those are cool)
I reach his base, but nothing's there :[
At this point, the two gateways haven't yet been finished
9/9 gate no less D:
Luckily for me, my wallin is near-finished
Unluckily for me, my SCV finishes building the rax outside
He was already hurt by the imba-probe
His breakin is denied by my marine
I'm scared of going outside my base, so I decide to 2fact
My SCV was in his base, so I thought he hadn't teched yet >_>
He's begun teching..
You don't need to hide your cyber core, silly >_>
...but I'm slightly ahead at this point
That's what you get for proxy double gating D:<
I decide to lift my rax so I can send an SCV out to scout
His zeals came up RIGHT when I lifted, I swear
I have as many marines as he has zeals... not a good sign
I already lost one :[
And then there was one.
Run awayyy~
I SCV drill to try and hold off the zealots
Save the marineee
I manage to pick off one, but he backs away
SCV power
By now a couple more marines have built...
And I manage to kill the rest of his zeals
Three for three :D
Strangely enough, he has exactly one dragoon trying to break down my wall
Repair is awesome
My tank comes out in a couple of seconds and pushed him back
His goon froze for a second... <3 goon AI
My army moves out to try and eat some protoss
[i]The bridges make it really hard to move around >_>
I scout his proxy right away, but he comes in to try and snipe a tank or two
life of lively to live to life of full life thx to scv repair
I kill off the rest of his forces...
So that's where his 2nd goon was >_>
...then pick off his pylons and leave
No probe kill
This probe is quite annoying
Why isn't it dead yet T_T
Yep. Quite annoying
He has only probes in his main(his army died)
Haha, what were the probes trying to do
So I waltz up the ramp and mine up everything in preparation for DTs
40 damage, permanent cloak, what was Blizzard thinking?
His first DT manages to pop a couple of vultures and marines before dying
I really should've seen this coming...
His second DT heads over to save his mineral line
Every terran's wet dream. Oh yes...
Sadly enough, the mine misses the mineral line and only gets 2 probes
Wet dream fail :[
Unfortunately for me, I forgot about the proxy
I actually sent these vultures over to mine up the proxy, but I was a little too late >_>
Although his DT makes it into my main...
-_-;; why did I not see this coming
His main is empty of probes
I'm taking down the proxy
And I've started a slowpush in his main
3-2 for race wars (So I came out positive, HA). I'm thinking about doing the PvZ too (scout galore!), but it's already been two weeks since the race wars
ended x_X
I just wanted to finish these up since I already had the pictures taken >_>
Edit: Fixing up and forgot something