So I tried to go on my b.net uswest account that I have had for years this morning and BAM! "Your account has been closed (8)." FUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKK GOD DAMMIT MY ACCOUNT HAD ALMOST 2K GAMES ON IT. FAWK! Me and a friend were trying to use CheatEngine to play SC together online both using 2x speed but we didn't get it to work. I really hope that's not why my account got closed. No hacking or anything either, in fact I haven't even used ChaosLauncher for a month so I doubt it was that either. FUCKING GAY. I'm just really pissed. /rant
Chill, man. It's not like a B-net account means much. Now if it was an A- iccup account then you can bitch your heart out. But seriously, just make another one, put all of your friends off your previous one's list and keep playing.
Come one man. If you know you can get banned for using legitimate things like Chaos or iccup Launcher then a program called CheatEnging should set off some serious warnings.
On December 15 2008 04:23 SpiralArchitect wrote: Come one man. If you know you can get banned for using legitimate things like Chaos or iccup Launcher then a program called CheatEnging should set off some serious warnings. This. I would have used some random smurf account for such an escapade.
Mehh. Oh well. time to make a new account I guess. I'm just so upset because it was such my epic account name. Maybe when I use Chaos or any other launcher I'll just use an a.k.a on b.net to be safe. Tonight after work I'll bump my blog and see if someone wants to play a few games.
It's OK, it's just an account.
On December 15 2008 04:20 Grobyc wrote:gaayyyyyyy. just for trying to get a game going with CheatEngine? I didn't join any public games or even get a private game going. I was online with it for like 5-10 just sitting in a channel with a friend. fuck  EDIT: the only a.k.a I have right now is GOGO]P.RanGeRs I mean sure it's awesome, but its rec is 0-1 and i have no friends on it or anything.
You didn't read the terms of service... didn't you... lol
I don't think anyone has actually been banned for using Chaos Launcher. It's all been attributed to the auto-ban program afaik.
United States24579 Posts
Turn your energy for epic accounts towards sc2.
If your so bummed about losing your account because of 2k games, just winbot it.
heard that on the radio. that dude is a doosh.
he dodged them like fuckin' spider man!
Canada19447 Posts
Yeah that was such a sick sick dodge. I've been watching it replayed over and over again for the last half hour hahahah so good.
hahaha Bush could barely stop himself from bursting out laughing there, I love how he never loses his sense of humor.
United States24579 Posts
We've found Bush's strength as president. He can dodge projectiles with ease.
Haha he went to all that effort and then MISSED, what a retard.