Poll: What do you think of people who take home stray animals? (Vote): Crazy! I'd never do it! (Vote): I don't care as long as they are happy. (Vote): I would do the same/have done the same!
I will now tell a story. It includes me, my girlfriend Kristina and a kitten.
So yesterday I was finally moving the unneeded furniture from the apartment me and Kristina share to her dad's house. I go to take a bed from one side and bam! a kitten jumps from somewhere and runs by me. I go "FUCK!", I drop the bed and run to see if it's ok. The little guy hid near our apartment's door. He was in a corner and was clearly afraid from me. Cause when I extend my arm towards him, he hissed and arched his back (I am going to call the kitten HE and HIM cause I really like him). I took him and examine him. He is one of those tiger-like cats that look much like the wild cats in fur. From the first moment I saw him I thought he is so adorable. Especially his tail which is broken at 2 places. I believe he was born this way. The tail is staying like a pig tail, curled like it but he can expand it all. His eyes are yellow, his milk-teeth are all grown. So he looks like a 3 month-old kitten. When I held him to my chest he plunged his head to my neck and started purring. Oh, I am telling you I almost cried when I thought how scared and alone and helpless he is. So there was absolutely no doubt in my mind what is to do. I take him home, give him to eat and drink. I put a 2 litre Coke bottle full of warm water for him and I left to go on with the furniture. I came back a few hours ago. When I saw him again he was sleeping. I hugged him again and again. He is so lovable.
Later in the evening Kristina came home from work. She likes cats even more than me. But we can't keep it home, we already got 2 cats there so 3 would be too too much. Anyway, we talked a bit about if it is normal to take stray animals (both the other 2 cats are also from the street) and if people would think we are crazy. And I don't know, maybe some people are going to think we are crazy. But what could I do to a kitten that is out in the cold, 3 months old, with 0% chance to survive the winter to come?
What do you think?
Here are some pics I took with my phone yeaterday: [url=http://img235.imageshack.us/my.php?image=photo0027e1e1e1xc4.jpg]
Australia3316 Posts
If you can afford to keep it and it isn't going to get attacked by your other cats then go for it, otherwise pass it on to a friend who could take good care of it.
To do the images you have to use the link at the bottom and copy and paste it into the icon next to the Underline icon. The one that looks like the XP backround.
Have done the same. When we were in England this cat adopted us. We fed him and he loved us. He was pretty messed up, but that just added to the charm. He came to us with a broken jaw and his tail was cut off a few inches short. I assume that was so it didn't drag on the ground, because the tail was paralyzed. Over time he went blind. Then when we lived in Colorado he got lost in the winter for 3 weeks in the snow. He was found 5 miles away across a freeway and taken to the vet who recognized him. Later that week as my mother was vacuuming she found what looked like a bit of felt on the floor. It was his ear. He lost the other one too (frostbite) and ended up looking like a chipmunk with rounded ears.
He had the loudest purr, didn't scratch furniture and scared away mice by peeing in corners. He lived a good 8 years after we got him. It was worth it to me.
Meow meow!!!
Kittens and cats overall are so awesome
Yeah we did the same with a few cats that appeared at our door, we had two very old cats and as one passed away two brothers appered at our door the day she died and never really left so we've taken them in looked after them, was worth keeping them rather than trying to find another home
Pictures of the cats + Show Spoiler +
I have 3 cats o_o.
You should definitely keep it =), if there's no problem, 3 cats are not too much. If you already have two, three isn't much different.
Three cats aren't even enough imo...
It seems to me that you really want to keep him, if it's possible in anyway then do it. If it's impossible you'll get over it in time. But can't you give it to a friend or relative? Good luck, hope you find a way to keep it.
If you can't keep it, make sure you give it a great home :D
Keep it!!!! 3 cats isnt that much!
I have one and I wish I had more!
I'm allergic, so I wouldn't, but my sister would, and she did! I'm not a big fan of them, but to each their own.
I've never had a pet, so I wouldn't know how to look after one. But I think it's usually a nice thing to take in a stray.
Yep keep it if you can. If it purrs, then it probably isn't feral which means it's used to being around people. Only thing you have to watch out for is a weird disease. Might want to get it checked out if you keep it.
On December 09 2008 03:26 Qatol wrote: Yep keep it if you can. If it purrs, then it probably isn't feral which means it's used to being around people. Only thing you have to watch out for is a weird disease. Might want to get it checked out if you keep it.
Well it's common sense to get it to a vet first, who knows what kind of disease it's carrying?
On December 09 2008 00:30 MamiyaOtaru wrote: Have done the same. When we were in England this cat adopted us. We fed him and he loved us. He was pretty messed up, but that just added to the charm. He came to us with a broken jaw and his tail was cut off a few inches short. I assume that was so it didn't drag on the ground, because the tail was paralyzed. Over time he went blind. Then when we lived in Colorado he got lost in the winter for 3 weeks in the snow. He was found 5 miles away across a freeway and taken to the vet who recognized him. Later that week as my mother was vacuuming she found what looked like a bit of felt on the floor. It was his ear. He lost the other one too (frostbite) and ended up looking like a chipmunk with rounded ears.
He had the loudest purr, didn't scratch furniture and scared away mice by peeing in corners. He lived a good 8 years after we got him. It was worth it to me.
Aww that's such a sad but sweet cat
On December 09 2008 03:26 Qatol wrote: Yep keep it if you can. If it purrs, then it probably isn't feral which means it's used to being around people. Only thing you have to watch out for is a weird disease. Might want to get it checked out if you keep it.
Yeah that's a nice advice. But I am a vet so it's ok. The kitten is in perfect health.
As much as I want to keep him I will give him to my dad. He will take good care of him.
My family lives out near a scenic highway where, unfortunately, a lot of animals get abandoned. So far we've taken in about thirteen cats (eleven being kittens we found homes for) and three dogs. In fact, almost every animal my family has ever owned has been a random stray as far back as I can remember, so no, I don't think you're crazy. :p
On December 09 2008 07:56 MTF wrote: My family lives out near a scenic highway where, unfortunately, a lot of animals get abandoned. So far we've taken in about thirteen cats (eleven being kittens we found homes for) and three dogs. In fact, almost every animal my family has ever owned has been a random stray as far back as I can remember, so no, I don't think you're crazy. :p What you've done is perfectly understandable.
It's just that around here in Bulgaria people are generally very cruel towards animals. And this behaviour is set like a norm. So I'm definitely out of the norm and I just wondered how it is in the big wide world. To see that most people would do the same as me is great!