When I played with terran and gamed with people of similar skill level, I did very well. Then I switch to protoss, and play people of similar rank, and make a major fuck up 7 games in a row. With t I was playing above my skill level; with p I was playing below.
Also note, my 18-0 run with terran was a lot of fun (until some zerg with great muta micro and early hive ended it haha), including some close games, and one or two upsets so to speak, and my 7 or 8 game run with protoss were.. every bit as miserable as I was expecting it to be. I received 0 enjoyment, tons of frustration, and produced lots of laughable plays.
This is not supposed to be a discussion about how terran is more fun than protoss or anything like that. It's just essentially proof that when I try to get better at this game I usually end up frustrated and not entertained. When I just screw around I have fun. This sucks because I find getting better very rewarding, and screwing around boring (eventually).
If I posted the replays of the last 7-8 games you would notice that none of them were 'you played well but just got beat.' More like, 'wtf!????' For example...
1) Pvz forgot to put pylon at natural and when I scouted pool first I just left (hence 2.5 minute loss haha)
2) Pvp, so busy explaining to opponent how annoying it is when several people join your '1:1 d+ longinus motw' with different ranks and start saying bm shit when you don't play them, that I build the pylon on 9 instead of 8.
3) Pvt, after he gets greedy with a double expo I bust into his base and can kill his nat cc (after he cancels the cc at his second natural) but instead push into his main for some reason that I can't think of, he repels it, and eventually ends up slightly ahead in macro and walks over me before I can recover.
There are several more stories, but that's probably enough. There are a few paths I can take.
1) Play a ton to shake off all the stupid crap and avoid doing it by learning from mistakes, and hopefully get back to it being rewarding to play.
2) Don't play at all.
3) Play a little and constatnly make these types of mistakes and feel frustrated.
Honestly just typing it out and cooling off makes me feel a lot better, but Jesus work is killing me I need to find another pastime I think.
Edit: woops bolded edit above