But it turned out, some of those zerglings weren't worthy. Why? Because they didn't love me back. Though painfully obvious, it's taken me altogether too long to realize that a zergling who doesn't share my deep feelings doesn't deserve them. Now that's my number one requirement. But beyond that essential point, what else makes a zergling"loveworthy?"
"Everyone is worthy of being loved — just sometimes by somebody else. Somebody horribly desperate," jokes Carmen, a marketing coordinator in San Diego, Calif. "Some zerglings are for fun, some are convenient, some are stepping stones, some are huge wastes of time. You just weed through until one sneaks up and knocks you flat — and you knock it flat too. For me, metabolic boost, adrenal glanes and armor/attack upgrades is a sure sign that I'm at least on the verge of falling in love. Either that or I REALLY need to see a doctor."
How about you? Think you're in love and wondering if that zergling is worthy? We asked frequent zergling owners/killers, gamers in content relationships, and experts for the top signs that a zergling is indeed "loveworthy." Before allowing the "L" word to pop into your head or out of your lips, look for these signs:
1. You bring it home to make it feel uncomfortable with your parents who seem to want to eat it and/or make it a doctor.
2. Things that usually drive you nuts or gross you out suddenly seem trivial. For example, if it's runnning past you to kill some workers, and you don't want to kill it right there, that's a pretty good sign you're in love.
3. It's a great friend.
4. There's a big grin on your face whenever you think or talk about it.
5. You can count on it. It's consistent, trustworthy and honest. It keeps promises and commitments. It also likes to dance infront your units.
6. It sticks around while you wait for the other expansion to be set up. And while you stall, figuring this is too good to be true and are sure that it'll eventually mess up or turn into a troll, it just keeps getting better. In fact, you suck at being a gamer because you're looking for a reason to make it not work if you actually think this.
7. You're covered with hives, sitting in your Aveeno bath, and it asks you in all seriousness to do something that will put you in complete control and wear the sweaters you knitted it.
8. You've given up your "drama queen" crown. Since you know where you stand with it and are comfortable with it being your absolute pussy-whipped bitch, you don't need the crown anymore.
9. It makes the relationship a priority despite the fact that all zerglings are committed you need one that is EXTRA committed because you can change zerglings to be like that. Really, you can. That's why you're trying, isn't it?
10. It doesn't run away if you kick it in a rage of PMS. Rather, it'll be there to listen to your bullshit reasonings that you produced AFTER you kicked it.
11. It is your ho now.
12. Your connection is so strong that you don't even have to ask yourself this question.