Okay, so i have this problem. My Mom hired some people to build a new house in the backyard of a property that we own. they finished the house already and connected all the ultilities and paved a new drive way onto the road. The thing is the land surrounding the new house are a mess. atm it's just dug up dirt, leftover building waste, dead leaves etc.
The land is not very large, i'd say less than 25 square metres. I'm thinking of getting some one to either clean up the area or just make it all concret (so i don't have to walk on dirt to get to the door). There is also a 2 metre tall wooden fence between the driveway that i want to replace.
what kinda of tradesperson should i call? i've never done things related to this before... how long would it take to fix up everything? i really need to get this done before next friday...
p.s. i live in australia.
not a very good diagram cuz i made it quickly... if you want to help me and want to ask questions, i will try to answer them asap.
thx for that. do you know how much it would cost?
Your guess is probably as good as mine.
P.S.: What is the monetary unit in Australia?
hm, your drawing makes my head hurt, since i actually took a technical drawing class. Buy some grass and put it there, they make them in squares and just lay it.
edit: oh an aussi. So if you live in an area with no grass, you can put gravel there, a rock garden, or just pave it and make it like an extra parking spot ie. boat/motorcycle, etc
eh? They dont have grass in australia?
they dont have grass in nevada, arizona, most of utah, and new mexico?
? huh? we have grass yeah but i'm not sure where to buy them... fuck is there a word for a store that sells grass, gravel and shits?
imma gonna get some rubbish/land waste removal guy to clean the shit up and go from there.
hmm, i can't really concret all the land because there is a gas valve there.. i dunno what happens if there is a fault and i need ppl to fix it...
go ask someone at bunnings warehouse mate
ensure that shrimps are thrown on the barbie to appease waltzing matilda first.