Then it all went to hell.
I went from 12-13 to 14-25. That's right, I played 14 games after my first four, and of those 14 I only won two. TWO! I dipped below 1500 (Now sitting at 1471), and decided to call it a night. If I'm going to make it to C, I'm going to have to work on my stamina. I finished the night with a 7-game losing streak, certainly not what I'm hoping for here

When I was sitting pretty at 1821, I was undefeated TvT, with 5 wins in the matchup. I played three of them afterwards and lost them all, but as of right now I'm still at a positive win ratio in TvT. Silver lining, right?
Just like last update, here are my best and worst games of the day.
My best was a TvT against some guy named FaTr1x. I really like this build TvT, I used it in 4 of my 5 wins and 2 of my 3 losses. My goal for tomorrow is to come up with a new TvT build order, cuz only having one that I like will get stale after a while. Here's the link:
My worst game was the last game I played today, the one that put me below 1500 (T_T). I use the same build order, but the sucker sees my starport, gets map control, and outmacros me like a bitch. You'll see a difference in build orders by my opponent in these two replays, and this vulture-oriented build has caused two of my three losses in the matchup. Here's that one:
Note the difference in my APM from the first replay to the second - 230 to 169. You can really tell starcraft fatigue was setting in during my last few games. Chin up though, tomorrow I'll get myself back over 1500 and crush a zerg or two

Lovingly yours,
BeggarTerran 2.0
14 - 25, 1471