Just showing off what I have been up to the past 2 months or so regarding my hobbies. Finally got some (entry) recording equipment so I can hook up my guitar to my PC and record some of my favourite songs on guitar.
I am trying to keep to a weekly schedule of releasing a cover every week, however the holiday season was too busy and fun and I did not have access to my PC and stuff during that time.
Since November last year I also came back to watching SC2 pro matches after about a 2 year break. I was very into the eSports side of SC2 from 2010 - 2015 but my interest waned after LOTV came out. Gave the game a chance again and man was I surprised to come back to watching Serral dominate at Blizzcon and at HSC!
Anyways, I am also streaming RE2 Remake on weekends and playing tons of other games offline but that is for another post :D
Please check out some of these videos if the music interests you, and give a like or a sub if you find if entertaining.
Until next time.