So I saw my friend from up in Wisconsin this weekend. It was fucking sweet. We got drunk as shit playing some card games, and I guess he got some ass from the girl who's house we were staying at.
It was weird though, I have no idea how I started it, but I know I ended up grappling/wrestling with an ex-marine. I did pretty well against him, thankfully we agreed to know strikes (I would have been killed I'm sure). It took him a long time to submit me though, and he was definitely sweating like crazy when we got done. Luckily he happened to be very ticklish or I would have been out way beforehand, because he was definitely choking me out but I jammed my thumbs into his ribs and he couldn't take the tickling feeling that it created (even though I was going for a more pain oriented feeling) and he had to roll off of me, so I got back to controlling it. Eventually it ended with me tapping though, which sucked, but it was loads of fun.
Other than that nothing really happened. I got super drunk, my friend discovered he is allergic to vodka (or maybe just shitty vodka)... Good weekend all in all, and Chuck Liddell lost which makes me happy.
EDIT: I did not see the ability to edit this before commenting. Oh well... it's time for bed now, and I think I'm going to turn this into a sports blog when football (American) season starts up again.
Yeah, I left part out of it. There was this CD player/stereo thing that was placed in just an awful location. Every time you open the front to put a CD in it falls foward, this is obviously not a good mixture with people who aren't sober. I definitely let it fall once, maybe more. There were also these candles over near that, and when the CD player fell, so did the candles. The thing about them was that they're held in by these metal spikes--which, again, are not a good combination with drunk people-- and my thumb got stabbed by one of the spikes. It hurt a bit, but I got over it quickly..
Oh, I also bought a pair of Jordan's... the shoes. I always wanted a pair as a little kid, and now that I have a job and can pay for shit myself I decided to buy them... I also won a heads up game of poker with my friend. Lots of pool was played as well, which I suck at.
The poker game was interesting, he put me on a bluff early on and was lucky to guess right (because every other card, and a lot of pocket pairs would have killed his hand), I had in almost half my money from one bet which he called so I lost a lot there. Basically I had a whole lot of nothing, and was hoping he also didn't. He had a pair of nines, so he really shouldn't have stayed in the hand whether or not he thought I might be bluffing (because if I wasn't he was screwed with just nines), not for the amount I put in, but he did and I lost a lot. So I became ultra-conservative and only played good hands. I got half of my money back when he made the same mistake of calling me on a bluff, but really I had trip tens and I took the majority of my money back. After that I continued to play tight and ended the game with a pair of pocket sevens when he went all in on something less than that.