Dear: Mani and Rek
You may not remember this, but me and Andre (AKA SiZ.FaNtAsY, and Spetial) lost to you guys in 2v2 about 3 months ago. It was a humiliating loss in bo3 at vampire. We were 0-2'ed and lost all hopes of playing starcraft. However we vowed to get revenge, and trained night and day to get better. Now we feel ready to take you guys on once again.
SiZ.FaNtAsY and Spetial
Manifesto and Rekrul
@ Vampire
How bout it? Will you accept our challenge?
Korea (South)17174 Posts
I WANT REPLAYS! pretty please...
United States24579 Posts
Place your bets. The odds are 3.5-1 in favor of Manifesto and Rekrul.
Yes, reps please ^^ Is there a liquibet open for this?
Also Fantasy this is off topic, but my friend karma (Seraphim on forums) are you caling him a bitch in your sig? Just wondeirng O_O Then again you could just be using the word all i know is i have killed him a bitch many times but he is still my favorite asian person ever.