Does anyone else see the injustice of "Read Before You Comment"? I've had several Nobel winning papers turned down simply on the basis of Read Before You Comment. I try to peruse TL threads and more and more frequently I feel like I'm catastrophically inclined toward some kind of convergence mechanism of the multi-type writer problem. It's not that I don't want to read Plexa and Waffles, or anything like that, it's just the realization that if I read Plexa and Waffles I'll reply. And then I'll get replies. And then I'll reply. And then YOU WILL LOSE ME FOREVER.
Which is ridiculous.
The more Read-Before-You-Comment surfaces the more everything will come down to these nitpicking luckboxes obsessed with the smallest details. Wow you picked out a camel. Good for you. The camel was in a desert. The camel was IN A DESERT. ANYONE CAN PICK OUT A CAMEL IN THE DESERT BECAUSE YOU'RE STARVING TO DEATH.
lol ok fuck it if no one is gonna reply to a very Simple Read Before You Coment Thread then I'm going to continually make the thread longer until someone replies. this is spiteful vengeance at its finest and probably deserves a commendation. i especially like the commendations i receive because the commendations i receive violate my sense of well-being and oneness with the universe. you know what fuck it all let me just go buck wild here and tell you that most people really lack a sense of original sin and that to be frank there is no original sin. the only original sin occurs if YOU READ THE OLD TESTAMENT.
having read the entire old testament through and back and forth what I gradually realized was that the old testament is a tribute to human kind's lack of moral judgment. Joseph in a ditch. Pharoah in a ditch. Everyone screwed over by God until his favorite is elected. Then he gets to judge everyone and watch them moan and suffer as the lengths of God's eternal vengance* visited upon the elect sinners condemnds them to a life of scripture reading and testimony to the ill will of God as CAPTURED IN DANTE'S INFERNO.
which so many of us have read and enjoyed over the years. me personally i read it in Tibet with the help of a spirit guide who i fond in an oft-frequent llama lodge near Tibet. the guide helpfully took me and my friends over the great river styx which is somewhere near Lijiang (and not actually called that but it's the yellow river if that helps) and we crossed it and it was superb! people were bold and fearless and after they died horrible tragic deaths following nearly 2 miles to the bottom of the world's largest longest and most fearsome Gorge at the base of the Himalayaz we all had a good laugh and eventually they were unbanned. but before they were unbanned we all feasted on their corpses and wished that they'd fallen from a jet engine so that they could be cannabilized with more readiness. but they hadn't they'd just fallen 2 miles bouncing and rolling down the side of a gorge in China and really no one cared because FREE WEED in CHINA. srsly u can buy 5% herb for free anywhere in the vicinity of most of China's famous tourist attractions. friends set me up with deals all the time.
i dunno it doesn't matter I'm moving to Coli because fk it. BROOD WAR IS BACK BABY YEA!!!
I read whatever you had in caps lock and maybe a few other lines, so not sure what your point is.
Forgive me, but I'm not sure if you really wanted me to 'Read Before Comment'. If you really did want me to read before I made this comment, you should format it into a coherent sentence/paragraph structure with some semblance of proper grammar.
If the point was for me to comment without reading, than you have achieved your goal.
i am not currently on my meds. i finally got a new consciousness a few months back and a lot of work has gone into repairing it. ideally the new consciousness will be identity-stable and support non-med gaming.
intellivision is a lot like saying that ninazerg will shrink your cock in the name of freedom and justice until you jack off to her. i hope i get tempbanned for saying this because without chill here i just can't stand this website. god damnit why did he leave
edit: sorry in advance for the flame i just can't take this anymore I'm not a shitposter I probably am one of Tl's biggest contributors but tons of gear and all this whatever
the intellivision is so old.. that its officially NBA licensed basketball game sim didn't have a 3 point line.
to all those Diablo2 fans... i'm sticking with the true classic of 1981 back when games were good and didn't rely on one of those fake "hard drives" to store data.
way sweeter loot in D&D Treasures of Tarmin then that half-baked Diablo2 game. i'm sticking with D&D Treasures of Tarmin until Blizzard gets off their asses and patches Diablo2 into being a proper game.
Game saves are not possible. You just leave the system turned on until the next day.