Nice, I remember your first drum blog from like...2010 or something that was pretty awesome. Have you sent this video to him over twitter or something? Bet he'd enjoy it! Isaac's theme is so badass, both Smooth's version and your addition to it, think it was my fav.
I had a co-worker who played drums in a band try to teach me - my left hand is too stupid for anything. He tried everything to help me have some sort of control over it but in the end we gave up because my left arm has been replaced with a noodle apparently. I can't even keep time with it yet I have no issue keeping time in my head or with my right arm. Heck I've been a musician and in bands since I was like 12 years old.
Now do some Divine Heresy! 
Tim Yeung is my favorite drummer I think, his footwork is mind blowing. + Show Spoiler +
Your technical skills are non arguably excellent; I can see the hours and years you put into this; On a soul level you are holding yourself back; not sure for what reason; you may want to work on that, find a way to give 100 %
Really nice set-up you have there me likey
I think he's self-aware filming himself, so it's not quite singing in the shower levels of soul 
Very envious of your drum skills, I've always wanted to learn but it's so unpractical to start out. Don't feel I can just buy a drumset and piss off my neighbours lol. Definitely enjoy these keep em coming!
haha it's true it's called red light fever, pebble444! You feel good just before you record but then you lock up when you start recording! But you are absolutely right. Sadly some people are natural born performers but I am not one of those D:...
Thanks to everyone else