This week I haven't had the time to get any games for you, much less to write a battle report. I apologize for this. Instead I wanted to check in with you all to see how you're doing and what you think of the current foreign Brood War scene. I also have some ideas, pretty small stuff (I don't have a huge amount of time to invest, but maybe together we can work some things out).
First off, I wanted to highlight this tournament here:
How do you guys feel about this one? How has it been going from a user and viewer perspective? I know some things have been a little rocky due to the rushed start and last minute sponsor. Unfortunately, there is no real remedy to this other than more admins. Speaking of admins, the event wouldn't be possible at all without the help of Animus, iCCup.Face and the rest of the staff at iCCup. I can't thank you guys enough for picking up the portions of this event where help was most needed.
As I write, I kind of wonder where I'm going with this as many of you are. I'm unfortunately, not the most frequently available person nowadays, but I do enjoy Brood War and I'd like to provide as many contributions as possible. In this regard, I have to work on efficiency over quantity (I.E, Work with staff as opposed to alone, restrict my own contributions to a portion of a sum instead of the sum itself). I'm going to New Zealand tomorrow which will entirely leave the Nation Wars event up to the admins up to the 3rd week, so I hope everything works well till then and I plead to everyone to pitch in if they can during my absence just to make the league run a little smoother! Check with Animus if you want to update the thread and/or stream the games.
With the above being taken into consideration, I wanted to know if there was interest in another project that would happen at some point after Nation Wars. This isn't possible without both admin and player contributions, so don't take this as a guaranteed plan by any means, but more as a checking for interest. With my inactivity being taken into consideration, is there enough interest to run a revival season of Gambit's Cup from both administration and player perspective? I want to bring back the old Clans LRM, sas, Nb, iFU, etc... I can oversee the event, check for sponsorship and make decisions, but unfortunately, it's not possible for me to attend and update the thread most of the time. It's also not possible for me to make unbiased decisions when facing the week to week administration of each team and CW.
If we want to make this work, we would need at least 2-3 CW admins who can show up at least every other week as well as 2-3 admins who can update the thread and post news (again to alternate as much as possible). I want to do this, but as noted more as overseeing the event and being the attendant admin every few weeks as opposed to all of the time. We also need dedicated casters for which we can probably work with iCCup.
I don't know guys, let me know your interest in participating as a player and/or as an admin. Let me know which teams you think can get adequately represented, which teams can't. I'll compile the feedback on my return and make a decision to start writing or to not .
+ Show Spoiler +
Don't let this inspire hope unless you're willing to contribute ~ because that's really what is needed in order to make this happen
Please leave as much input as you can about what you want to see and how you want it to be done. As well, any input on Nation Wars and how it can be improved given the current challenges that it faces.
Thanks for reading! Let me know what I should blog about in the future ~ I won't have another for a few weeks, so... Until then! Play more BW .
I will update the results of Nation Wars tomorrow ~ It is easier to write a block of text at work than to navigate between TL pages and organize the results