On January 07 2015 01:09 BongChambers wrote:
I wish clock was picked more in captains mode but unfortunately he's just too weak against invisible units as his rocket and battery don't hurt or show them. Don't you think that would make sense? A rocket showing invisible units, even if for a brief period of time.
I have good experiences playing clockwerk against invisible hero's because they cant escape the cogs when you use dust most of the time. Just buy the dust yourself, dont count on underfarmed supports to provide everything in a greedy draft, they simply cant.
FYI: I am a firm believer of "TQ>wand>sobi>blademail>euls>aghs>whatever items" in almost any clockwerk role. In alot of situations hookshot isnt easy to initiate with, but euls is almost allways good enough initation for pick offs, so you can save that hookshot for when you really need it. I have >65% winrate with this itembuild in multiple games, maybe the itemorder could also work well for you.
On January 07 2015 00:59 TyrionSC2 wrote:
Is that a jungling prophet?
Ringfall is correct.
I am probably gonna get shitstormed for putting natures prophet not on the offlane at lvl1, but so far I have had good experiences with it (its pretty straight forward for trenchgaming) and let me explain why i think it is doable.
If you watch + Show Spoiler [iceiceice natures prophet guide] +, you should notice tha ice³ stays in lane for about the first two levels or something similar, in the meanwhile sends some treants everywhere to block camps and scout and thats about it. After that he leaves the lane to jungle a RoB+Naked boot+midas around 11/12 minutes in that example pubgame iirc.
If I start with clockwerk on the offlane until he is lvl6/7, i dont experience alot of problems with putting natures prophet not in the offlane until clockwerk hits lvl6 most of the time. He can still scout and block camps with the treants, farm something or gank, just like ice³ does. If the natures prophet doesnt feed 5 times before clockwerk hits level 6, then i think its worth it because the clockwerk will be putting alot of pressure on the enemies lanes from that point on. But i do advice to ask during the draft that you would like the natures prophet to be active (most of the time they then tend to skip midas).
Some will think i am wrong or whatever but until now, i dont have bad experiences with this in mediocre pubs aslong as i communicate.