Forummember Kreb has made a nice guide for a core spirit breaker dagonbuild. I wondered if i could support with a 'dagon breaker' and so my draftjourney has started. Experiences so far (5 wins 0 losses & alot of kungfu pubfighting):
- Duallanes seems best, offlaner shares xp and gold with spirit breaker until nulls+boots for his first charge;
- Solve dagon breaker mana issues with a crystal maiden or maybe even a kotl support;
- Get an aggressive mid and carry that complement spirit breaker and an offlaner that can easily farm the offlane solo;
- If you select two or three agi cores that can incorporate a diffusal blade, you wont have to ban omniknight or warlock etc;
+ Show Spoiler [Picks so far] +
1st & 2nd pick (solve manaissues and 'dagon breaker' role still open as core or support).
or 3rd & 4th pick (aggressive mid and carry that dont mind fighting early).
5th pick (tried these 3 core offlane options, venomancer felt to synergise best: teamfightcombo veno+cm ultimate and solo offlane safety).
or 3rd & 4th pick (aggressive mid and carry that dont mind fighting early).
5th pick (tried these 3 core offlane options, venomancer felt to synergise best: teamfightcombo veno+cm ultimate and solo offlane safety).
+ Show Spoiler [Bans so far] +
1st & 2nd ban allways ( chrono stops charge and global silence messes everything up at earlier timings)
I would appriciate any suggestions which could improve this ongoing concept for the better!