Another one star rating. This is an accomplishment. I'm going to keep typing this at the end of my blog posts until people stop giving me those 5 star ratings out of pity (wink wink)
Caster Commemoration
So originally this blog post was gonna be just the post above but then I got all teary eyed thinking about all of the old BW casters so I'm going to do tiny little segments of their humble beginnings and their farewells. Most of this content isn't proofread and is pretty much written as it
Moletrap, he was more of a color caster and not so much a man of game knowledge but in a way that made it feel more accessible to newcomers of the game. His first video in 2007 was of him wanting to get a feel for casting and to see whether or not people liked his casts. He started along with his casting counterpart Diggity around the same time on the same channel. Moletrap liked what he saw and continued casting. In 2012 he traveled to Korea to professionally cast sc2 korean games as a gateway for foreigners to get an in depth look into the korean scene. His career ended abruptly after doing numerous interviews of korean sc2 pros like Julyzerg, Bisu, Stork, Flash, and more, all players he had casted games of in 2007 who were prominent BW legends. To imagine he would meet them in person years later is...unthinkable. In his farewell video he talked about all of the personal issues that made him realize what was most important which was why he was going back to the states. His korean working partners along with many other factors had made life stressful, and so gaming had taken a backseat from real life. I still remember the quad cast they did of the Flash vs. Movie OSL final Moletrap did with 3 other super obscure one time casters. It was.....strangely organized.
He's our lovely analogical spewing, literature mastermind that happened to grace the foreign casting scene, it's Klazart! I remember in his first cast people were complaining about how unprofessional he was saying swear words during his casts. Silly them. He's also indian. Who knew. He was fast paced and breathed life and personality into a game describing any sort of grudge match two players might have had and dear god did he have bias, but that made it all the more hilarious. His last cast was the 5th and final game between the Flash vs. Effort Sky OSL series where Effort had won after being down 0-2. You could just feel the lack of passion in his voice holy christ. He will be loved.
I don't know much about him but apparently he started out with moletrap and my god he had the voice of an angel. It was clear distinct, and very well suited for radio. He had gone into LoL and Sc2 casts before abruptly stopping. It took 2 years until he posted an update video that is now a few months old. He answers the "Where are they now" questions of our beloved bw casters. Most of them he has no clue about. He's nice guy.
ehhh i don't remember any of his casts. His last video was this hilarious fake english sub of the closing ceremony of the last BW osl where he makes it look like Fantasy is denouncing sc2 and all of its inferior aspects compared to BW. Diehard.
I don't know who this man is. Apprently he's Cholera? I don't know anymore. Cholera's next to last video and his last video had a strange 2 year gap, both BW casts. The comments in his last video oh god....the tears.