In this blog I'll mostly be writing about leaving the starcraft scene, or atleast following it at distance.
To put it simple, I've lost interest in the game, for quite a while all ready, like somewhere late WoL, and HotS didn't really reignite anything for me, playing around with widow mines was entertaining, but only for a while.
At the time I was still playing but not very often, just playing my 20ish games a season keeping me in masters so I won't have to re-do the grind should I ever have interest again, and 20ish games wasn't much for a season anyway.
But after a few seasons into HotS, MMR decay happend, this would mean I'd have to ramp up from 20 to about a 100games a season just to keep up in MMR, and I didn't really have to passion to do that, but I did it anyway.
Every season would start with getting demoted to diamond because I played minimal games to get in masters, which just wrecks motivation again and again, and it wasn't long before I started to question myself if this was really what I wanted to be doing.
The games were often either stomps, or not interesting at all, occasionally I'd get a good game
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but that was hardly making up for it.
So about 2 seasons ago, I decided to stop playing HotS 1v1/ladder and would just go for the things in starcraft I did enjoy, that being the old WoL style of play and HotS teamgames with friends, and it was quite an enjoyable season for a change.
Ranking quite high in teams, I really wanted to see how far we could go this season and the aftermath of the season was this.
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in the last few minutes another team took the r1 3v3 spot over night, but I didn't really care, as we sat on the r1 spot for the most of the season.
And that was it, having played that many games I didn't have much interest going on the next season.
What I did next was give 1v1 HotS another shot, but then came the blow.
MMR decay completely nuked me, and all I was getting was completely walkovers, sitting at 80-90% winrate but never promoting or going anywhere, I was reminded of why I quit.
And so I made the same move again.
Part 2, mostly mapmaking related stuff.
On the side of this I was quite actively mapmaking, which for me ended up being the more enjoyable part of starcraft, and that's what I did from quitting playing til recently, but that too, I have left behind now.
There's no real direct reason, but for those interested it was a combination of frustation from blizzard, TLMC4, no feeling of accomplishment, and running out of ideas, partly contributed to not playing the game anymore.
Oh, and let's not forget the current steppes of war 2014 joke blizz is pulling right now.
I had no real desire to make something new anymore, and if I did I wouldn't have a clue what to make, despite feeling like I've finally reached a respectable quality of maps.
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credits to Lefix for artwork
I will most likely follow this with a blog about my journey through mapmaking, but for now this is it, and I hoped you enjoyed reading this.