Anyone else here work night shift? - Page 2
Blogs > Fumanchu |
Canada917 Posts
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1073 Posts
What exactly is the issue? You've just switched the work / sleep aspects of your life and the social times remain the same. From what i can gather you start work anywhere from 9pm onwards. If we split it into 8 hour segments 6:30-2:30 sleep, 2:30-10:30 social, 10:30-6:30 work. Remove a couple hours for transit and shit and i see absolutely no problem with that lifestyle. Its just your terrible routine thats fucking you up. Weekends are just the same, because anyone working weekends is completely screwed for socialising. If you really cant do a 5 hour sleep pattern on a friday/saturday morning to be up and out by midday or get into a pattern for monday your body must be extremely unhealthy, most likely a result of your terrible schedules. Many people do much more with much less. | ||
Canada669 Posts
On April 22 2014 02:50 Omnishroud wrote: If you're home by 7am and sleep 8 hours, you wake up at 3pm, are ready to go by 3:30-4pm at which point everyone else is finishing work and heading home and you are free to head out and socialise during normal hours. What exactly is the issue? You've just switched the work / sleep aspects of your life and the social times remain the same. From what i can gather you start work anywhere from 9pm onwards. If we split it into 8 hour segments 6:30-2:30 sleep, 2:30-10:30 social, 10:30-6:30 work. Remove a couple hours for transit and shit and i see absolutely no problem with that lifestyle. Its just your terrible routine thats fucking you up. Weekends are just the same, because anyone working weekends is completely screwed for socialising. If you really cant do a 5 hour sleep pattern on a friday/saturday morning to be up and out by midday or get into a pattern for monday your body must be extremely unhealthy, most likely a result of your terrible schedules. Many people do much more with much less. In your head it makes sense, and it was that logic that I also rationalized when I was first offered this shift. But it doesn't work that way. It just doesn't. Or, at least it hasn't for me. It's only been four months, maybe it gets better with more time. Sometimes randomly you'll sleep a straight 12 hours instead of 7-8. Sometimes you'll only get 2. And the quote, "Many people do much more with much less" is useless. Starving kids in Africa don't make brussel sprouts taste any better. That quote on its own, although stated often, has never been sufficient motivation to do anything. | ||
Germany7494 Posts
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United States3345 Posts
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Chile4591 Posts
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United States2527 Posts
Sleep from 7am - 4pm: 9 hours, gives you a chance to catch up on any irregular sleep during this time due to noise. Wake at 4pm and eat breakfast. If you have friends who go to bed late (like 2pm) and they eat a final meal around 10pm, and so they have lunch around 4pm instead of noon, you could consider eating lunch with them at their normal time. Or you could find some friends who eat dinner early and wake up with some good protein from a big dinner meal at around 4 or 4:30pm. Try to get some sun before it goes down. Most social activity happens after normal working hours: after 5pm. So, try to find friends who go to bed early! They will be socializing from 5pm to 10pm, which is also when you should be socializing. Eat and sleep regularly. Unless you think you want a different job, the schedule comes first. You have your health to worry about now. Your body may take time to adjust, but it will be like living on the other side of the world after a while, minus the actual sunlight, noise, and social patterns. Do you work every day, or do you have the weekends off? You can use the weekends to socialize with people after 10pm if it suits you. You could also choose to wake up at 9pm and go to bed by noon, but really you're missing out on pretty much all of your social opportunities this way, because most people work a 9-5, so they won't be around when you're awake. Good luck, maybe if you think your social life is lacking after adjusting to this schedule, you can consider switching shifts back to daytime or getting another job. | ||
United States2979 Posts
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United Kingdom1153 Posts
On April 22 2014 02:50 Omnishroud wrote: If you're home by 7am and sleep 8 hours, you wake up at 3pm, are ready to go by 3:30-4pm at which point everyone else is finishing work and heading home and you are free to head out and socialise during normal hours. What exactly is the issue? You've just switched the work / sleep aspects of your life and the social times remain the same. From what i can gather you start work anywhere from 9pm onwards. If we split it into 8 hour segments 6:30-2:30 sleep, 2:30-10:30 social, 10:30-6:30 work. Remove a couple hours for transit and shit and i see absolutely no problem with that lifestyle. Its just your terrible routine thats fucking you up. Weekends are just the same, because anyone working weekends is completely screwed for socialising. If you really cant do a 5 hour sleep pattern on a friday/saturday morning to be up and out by midday or get into a pattern for monday your body must be extremely unhealthy, most likely a result of your terrible schedules. Many people do much more with much less. Have you worked a night shift? Because not trying to sound overly rude, but if you've tried that routine it kinda sucks. You leave your mates before the night even starts, and turn up to work having been awake for 6-8 hours already. I've never gone straight to bed after work either. I remember weekends / days off wrecking me totally since I'd end up going out, comming back at 4am or so kinda tipsy/drunk then go to sleep and wake up at a normal time so I'd have to force myself to stay in night mode. Also all forms of exercise became much more effort for some reason. | ||
Canada1841 Posts
For example say you work everyday to 7 am and start at 11pm (8 hour shift), go back force yourself to bed for 4 hours to 11am, wake up drink tea or cofee, do stuff to 9 pm, power nap 2 hours before work and then go to work This will not be easy but if you stick with it for 2 weeks your body is gonna adapt to this ( I would also consider taking surplus vitamins for the first month), i think after a month of this you would be able to skip the power nap (9pm to 11pm) if you wanna go out with friends. This gives you 6 hours of sleep per day ( and it allows you a margin to sleep more past 11am if you feel real tired), i say have a big breakfeast at noon and a big dinner at 10h30 and skip lunch altogether. The best idea would be to go to a nutritionist pay her for an hour explain your situation and ask what would be an optimal plan, then adjust it to your needs and preference. The human body is actually extremely adaptable (look at evolution if you want some ideas). Or quit and go back to day shift, but i think you have a good situation here if you can adapt your life around it | ||
China10252 Posts
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United States2527 Posts
Iron 45 mg/day (5.6:1 Upper Limit to Recommended Daily Amount ratio) Vitamin A 3000 µg/day (3.3:1) Calcium 2500 mg/day (2.5:1) It's unlikely you'd be getting too much of these, but just make sure and check the label. I don't want you taking like 5 calcium pills and having problems. | ||
Italy3725 Posts
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Canada4481 Posts
I get weekends off so that does give me time to hang out with friends, or just sit at home play games, and change my sleep schedule to fit the shift I'm working on for following week. I find it usually takes about 3-5 days for my body to get used to the new schedule. If I happen to still be on night shifts the following week, weekends are even more fine for socializing with friends. Since I'd wake up around 6pm or so, end up going out for dinner as a group of friends, and then hang out at a friend's place for the night. I maintain my sleep pattern and just get stay up all night. Fortunately for me, if I have nothing to do at work, like right now, I can just go on the computer and browse TL, or reddit or facebook. Do ensure you get your 7-8 hrs of sleep, otherwise you'll feel like shit. If you're in the east coast, just pretend you're running on Japan/Korea/Hong Kong time. In terms of pay though, you seem to have it better, I only get an extra $1.00/hr on night shifts, which would equate to roughly $150/month. | ||
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