Blue Mountain State is a funny show. It's on netflix and it's just about a bunch of college football players partying and doing crazy crap like drugs, having weird sexual problems, and other illegal activities. So I was watching some BMS today, and my roommate came in the room, looked at my monitor and asked "Isn't that show just about sex?". The way he asked it was slightly condescending and he sounded like he was mocking my taste in television shows. I replied yeah, then asked him "Isn't true blood just about vampires having sex with each other?". He quickly switched into a defensive tone saying "Well I mean, it's got more plot and depth than just sex". My roommate also watches anime that has some nudity and hentai involved, along with watching True Blood, Game of Thrones, and Spartacus, all of which have double the nudity than BMS. And BMS doesn't even show anything, it's all just college kids with no flashes of anything! Regardless, my roommate needs to learn to control his mouth and not just say anything he wants.
Roommate also plays LoL, and apparently he's good, considering he's reached diamond 1, stopped playing after winter break, started playing again recently and reached diamond again after about a month of playing. The way he talks to his friends in voice chat though, christ, you'd think he was talking to a couple of pubbies. He's rude, condescending and talks shit to his friends, mocking their skill/item builds, yelling at their decisions, and constantly shouting "I'M FUCKING DONE, I'M JUST- JUST-JUST.... DONE!" Are all LoL players like this? Haha, I'm just a Dota 2 player myself, but jesus people in my dorm hear him down the hall and through the walls with our door closed sometimes. He got us in trouble once for yelling during exam quiet hours, but that's not a big deal. I dunno if I really want to live with this guy for another year, but hey, he's a gamer and I talk to my friends too in Teamspeak3, so he doesn't mind when I talk too, although I yell much less than he does.
It's funny, I'm more self conscious about what I say while playing games after I met my roommate. I realize how much of a fucking prick I look when I talk shit through mic, so I learned how to keep my mouth shut when I lose, and just keep cool. So in a way, I improved my temper toward dota by meeting this temper tantrum roommate.
Next, I wanna talk about something else that happened to me during spring break. I was chilling out with a friend in a town couple miles from my hometown. We stopped at a gamestop, just browsing around. When we head out to my car after buying something at gamestop, I see a couple talking to each other in their car parked next to mine. I got in my car with my friend and was waiting to see if the couple next to me was planning on getting out or pulling out, since I didn't want to hit them or their car when I was going to pull out of my spot. Instead, the woman gets out of her car next to me, and knocks on the passenger side of my car. I was a little confused and my friend looks at me confused, but hey, she looked like a woman in her late 20-early 30s, plus this town has stupidly low crime rate along with pretty much my whole state, what's there to fear? I roll down my window and ask her if I can help her. The woman says that she and her friend (he's a guy) forgot their credit card at home, and says they don't have any gas left to make their trip. She asks me for any money that I could spare if I can, quite nicely and politely as well. I'm super reluctant already, so I ask her where her she's headed. She replied some place that I knew the location of, and that was a 30-40 mile drive that was going to take probably half an hour to get there. I started thinking, "Fuck, that's quite a drive... and I don't know this woman".
However, I'm a person that can't say fucking "NO" for some reason. Anyone asks me for anything, I try my best to help someone out, even if it's a random stranger. I don't know why, maybe it's because of how I was brought up, do the christian thing, even though I don't believe in God and my mom tried to get me to go to bible study LOL. Plus it would be super awkward just saying "no" and sitting there staring at her wondering how she thinks of how much of a douche you are. In the end, I give her $20, that's enough gas to make it I think, or at least get to a gas station and asking someone else for money. She says "Oh thank you! God Bless you!" and all that stuff. Immediately as I start driving, I start wondering, "I gave a random stranger a free twenty dollars..." I ask my friend next to me what he would've done to comfort me into thinking I made the right choice. He just replies, I would've just given her ten, and you could give her ten, so we'd both just give the same amount. My friend ended up getting me food and ice cream for the $10 he would have payed her. Still, I couldn't get my mind of that woman. A day later, I go back to the gamestop to make a return, and I kept an eye out for that woman and car, just to make sure I wasn't getting gypped. No sign of them, and even if they were there, what would I have done? Give them a taste of my "combat skills"? LOL no. I have no combat experience, and they could pull out a gun or something on me.
I don't know if I made the right choice or not, I felt like such a pussy thinking about it so much. Just a mere $20, but I earn that money and some people in life rely on every dollar they earn. I'm not a big spender either, so I usually get a lot of money saved up until I spend it on something I end up regretting that I bought (reaper of souls T_T). I dunno, what do you guys think of that situation? And what do you guys think of my roommate? God my blog is so long now haha, if you read to the end, thanks and cheers! Have a nice day!