Note: Obviously this blog is in more than one part, so please do not try to come to conclusions before I've told the whole story. I made a lot of mistakes and I don't realize them for a long time. I'm going in chronological order so wait for the whole blog before making judgement on me. Thank you.
Part 1
Hey guys, I'm back to continue my story. I hope you enjoy part 2!
After Rémy friend-zoned/rejected me/told me she didn't like me/whatever you want to call it, I was devastated. It sounds silly because it was a high school crush but the feelings are still real. All of the positive things I felt when I liked her all suddenly came crashing down and went into a giant hole of negativity and sadness. We would still talk a lot in class, but there was no chance between us of being anything more than friends at that point. However, silly me still held out hope that maybe something would happen and I could be with the person I thought was my "dream girl" at the time.
At this point I must digress from Rémy to talk about someone else. This part is more geared towards the story blog but it still ties in with everything else.
One of my hobbies (the main one aside from video games) is doing Tae Kwon Do. I've been doing it since I was about 10 years old and it has changed my life (I can talk about it more in a different blog if I feel like it). At this point, I was doing my training to become a 2nd Degree Black Belt. I had helped out with other classes and knew a few of the students in my group (some were going for their 1st degree, while others were going for their 3rd degree), but many of them were new faces that I had never worked with before. There was one in particular, I'm going to call her Amiguita ("Little Friend" in Spanish, it's an affectionate term). Her story had an impact on me and we always got along well during class. She has gone through a lot even though she is very young (she was 8 when I first met her, she is 11 now). First off, her parents divorced (I'm not sure how long they have been divorced) which is already bad enough for anyone to have to endure. Secondly, her father stabbed her sometime after he had divorced her mother. Lastly, her mother's new boyfriend got her pregnant and then moved across the country for work.
I know this stuff does not sound too bad at our age, but at an age that young, it surprised me that not only was she completely normal (without behavioral or other issues), but she always made me laugh and smile when I was interacting with her. This is the exact thing I needed in order to counteract all of the bad feelings I had about Rémy. It was perfect timing and I will always have a lot of admiration and thankfulness for her (she's like a little sister to me now).
So my summer after Sophomore year went well, still talking to Rémy and being friends even though I secretly wished she would change her mind. I was still trying to get over her and move on, but my infatuation for her was so great that it took me a really long time. I felt that I trusted her enough to tell her that I still like her a little bit. We talked about it (I can't remember what she said) and we met for lunch a few days after. Unfortunately, that was the last time I would talk to Rémy in person. After that, she stopped responding to my texts message until one day I got a text message saying "I'm sorry but I need some space. It's nothing you did, I promise". I could not believe that I had fucked up that badly. Guys, if you ever get a message like this, it's bullshit. They're not lying to you. They just feel too awkward being around you.
At first, I still had hope that she would talk to me. As the months went by, her continued silence turned my feelings from hope to sadness. I tried so hard to get over it, but the only way I could suppress my sadness was through rage. I got angry at her inside. I constantly thought about how she betrayed me and lied to me and all of this crap which was only making the situation worse. It took me a very long time to get over everything that had happened with her. I spent junior year almost in depression. If it wasn't for Amiguita, I would have been depressed. It sounds silly but that is how I felt about it. One day, something just snapped. I told myself that I was done feeling this way, and that it was time to move on. I was thinking about some other girls, and one of them seemed to have interest in me.
For the second-to-last thing in this part, we are going to go back to a bit of story. It was around this time that I took my third year of Spanish. I really did not want to take the class and I was struggling in Spanish. However, 2 weeks into the class, everything clicked. All of the confusion and things that I had missed in Spanish 2 suddenly stuck with me. I went from doing ok in the class to being in the competition for the top grade. I had a much bigger interest in Spanish culture and football (soccer). I started listening to Spanish music (such as Juanes, Maná, and David Bisbal) and I even made Paella a few times (man that stuff is so delicious, especially in restaurants in Spain). This interest eventually spread to the other countries that speak Romance Languages (Italy, Portugal, France, South America) and I finally enjoyed studying things and learning about different cultures and customs. It definitely shaped my career of choice (although I'm still a bit unsure) and it motivated me to save up my money for a trip to Europe (which I was able to do last July!).
Junior year would end on a bit of a happier note when it comes to girl-related things. I started talking more with one of the girls I was interested in. For the sake of the blog, let's call this girl Nina. Nina is filipino, about 5'6, with medium length dark-hair and a great sense of humor. I had known Nina since 7th grade, and we were on-and-off friends. There were points where we talked to each other a lot, and there were points where we did not have much communication. However, towards the end of Junior year, she started being a lot more friendly to me. She would do things like lean on me, rest her head on my shoulder, and put her arm around me. I saw this as her showing interest in me and I proceeded to try and act on that interest. A couple of weeks after school ended, I went over to her house to hang out with her and her twin sister (who I was friends with as well). We had a lot of fun and ended up watching The Lord of the Rings. I started with my arm around her and my hand crept closer and and closer to hers until finally, our fingers interlocked and I thought "HOLY CRAP IM HOLDING HANDS WITH A GIRL". Unfortunately, she got very distant for the rest of the summer. She kept saying that she was busy or that she could not spend time with me. I was skeptical but I had seen enough proof to where I decided to ask her to homecoming, a traditional high school dance held in the beginning of the year.
After chickening out once I asked her: "Hey Nina, do you want to go to homecoming with me?" "Do you mean as friends or...?" -Me crossing my fingers to signal "together"- "Sure"
And then I walked away shaking from nervousness but ridiculously glad that the first time a girl said yes to any question of that kind. So the big day came and went. The music was pretty crap and dancing wasn't my favorite thing to do, but it was a memorable night. Didn't get a kiss (because I was too shy and she didn't make any moves). I tried to talk to her more and pursue her but she became distant all of a sudden until I asked her if she liked me or not. She said she didn't, and that she did not mean to lead me on. She told me it was just part of her personality to be touchy-feely, and I accepted it. I learned from my mistakes with Rémy and just let her be alone for awhile. I told her that I wanted space but I wanted to still be friends and that we could talk more in a month or so. I managed to keep her friendship and we are close friends today, and her friendship has been something that means a lot to me.
So that is the end of Part 2. The last Part (where I talk about my mistakes and everything that I have learned) will probably be posted on Friday or whenever I get the chance. I hope you guys enjoyed =)
On September 17 2013 11:11 cDgCorazon wrote:Show nested quote +On September 17 2013 09:01 Chocolate wrote: Wait, do you actually think friend-zoning is a thing still, or did you just believe in it when you were this age? I think it still exists. I like a girl but she doesn't like me in that way. If she thinks of me as someone she would be friends with but would never date, it's basically friend-zoning. I'm not sure where you are going with this but if you are going somewhere, I'd love a little enlightenment. It doesn't exist. I mean, in a very small minority of cases, perhaps there are girls that lead people on just for self-esteem boosting or to fuck with people, but that's not most "friendzoning."
You need to be more aware of others' feelings and emotions as well as have more self-awareness on your part if you don't want to be friendzoned.
First off, to be blunt, these girls may be (or may think that they are) out of your league. Just because you're nice doesn't mean they'll like you physically. Think about it this way: if some girl that you found unattractive went out of her way to talk to you a lot, and you played along to be nice but didn't give her all that much thought, and then she asked you out, you would probably "friendzone" her. You want to be in a relationship with someone that you're attracted to, and if you think somebody is unattractive (relative to yourself) you wouldn't really want to be with them. These girls are just diplomatically rejecting you, not this "friendzone" bullshit that people use so that they aren't responsible for their own faults. You need the self-awareness to tell when a girl is out of your league and when she is not.
You also need to actually be able to tell if a girl is interested. Most of the time that you ask a girl out, you should already be able to tell that she will say yes. You flirt with people, and if they flirt back that's a good sign. Body language wise, you should be able to intuitively, almost sub-consciously tell if a girl is interested in you physically (if you have asperger's then you have an excuse) . Do physical flirting or something and see how she reacts (don't do anything sexual you creep ). You also don't go up to a girl and just tell her that you like her, wtf is that. You ask her to go to the movies / get something to eat/ get coffee with you because it gives her a choice to test the waters, so to speak, and to get to know you more. If you tell a girl that you like her without a significant amount of prior social interaction, you put her in a position where she has to create a binary response: either she likes you back or she doesn't. That can be a difficult situation to be in for her, and it's stupid for you to put a girl that you like in that situation unless you know that she likes you, which you find out NOT by directly asking.
I just read your recent blog too. I'll post this response on it. I applaud you for being able to tell that a girl was showing interest in you but once she started being "too busy" you should have known that your chance had passed.
To note, it is romance languages, not romantic
On September 18 2013 06:18 Chocolate wrote:Show nested quote +On September 17 2013 11:11 cDgCorazon wrote:On September 17 2013 09:01 Chocolate wrote: Wait, do you actually think friend-zoning is a thing still, or did you just believe in it when you were this age? I think it still exists. I like a girl but she doesn't like me in that way. If she thinks of me as someone she would be friends with but would never date, it's basically friend-zoning. I'm not sure where you are going with this but if you are going somewhere, I'd love a little enlightenment. It doesn't exist. I mean, in a very small minority of cases, perhaps there are girls that lead people on just for self-esteem boosting or to fuck with people, but that's not most "friendzoning." You need to be more aware of others' feelings and emotions as well as have more self-awareness on your part if you don't want to be friendzoned. First off, to be blunt, these girls may be (or may think that they are) out of your league. Just because you're nice doesn't mean they'll like you physically. Think about it this way: if some girl that you found unattractive went out of her way to talk to you a lot, and you played along to be nice but didn't give her all that much thought, and then she asked you out, you would probably "friendzone" her. You want to be in a relationship with someone that you're attracted to, and if you think somebody is unattractive (relative to yourself) you wouldn't really want to be with them. These girls are just diplomatically rejecting you, not this "friendzone" bullshit that people use so that they aren't responsible for their own faults. You need the self-awareness to tell when a girl is out of your league and when she is not. You also need to actually be able to tell if a girl is interested. Most of the time that you ask a girl out, you should already be able to tell that she will say yes. You flirt with people, and if they flirt back that's a good sign. Body language wise, you should be able to intuitively, almost sub-consciously tell if a girl is interested in you physically (if you have asperger's then you have an excuse) . Do physical flirting or something and see how she reacts (don't do anything sexual you creep  ). You also don't go up to a girl and just tell her that you like her, wtf is that. You ask her to go to the movies / get something to eat/ get coffee with you because it gives her a choice to test the waters, so to speak, and to get to know you more. If you tell a girl that you like her without a significant amount of prior social interaction, you put her in a position where she has to create a binary response: either she likes you back or she doesn't. That can be a difficult situation to be in for her, and it's stupid for you to put a girl that you like in that situation unless you know that she likes you, which you find out NOT by directly asking. I just read your recent blog too. I'll post this response on it. I applaud you for being able to tell that a girl was showing interest in you but once she started being "too busy" you should have known that your chance had passed. Yeah I have such a problem reading people but I feel like I'm getting better at it. Once again these stories are in the past now and I'm just telling them because I feel like it.
Thank you for the advice though :D
On September 18 2013 06:33 ktimekiller wrote: To note, it is romance languages, not romantic Thanks, corrected.
On September 18 2013 06:18 Chocolate wrote: It doesn't exist. I mean, in a very small minority of cases, perhaps there are girls that lead people on just for self-esteem boosting or to fuck with people, but that's not most "friendzoning." There definitely are, I am 100% sure of this. But they are very rare, and they usually have some kind of family / relationship trauma in their past that makes it hard for them to truly love anyone.
your high school romance follies arent worth three blogs in three days
ahahahahahahahahah banning me isnt gonna change that
On September 18 2013 05:46 cDgCorazon wrote: I went over to her house to hang out with her and her twin sister (who I was friends with as well). We had a lot of fun THREESOME
Kids callin it "Lord of the Rings" these days, eh?
On September 18 2013 08:35 CecilSunkure wrote:Show nested quote +On September 18 2013 05:46 cDgCorazon wrote: I went over to her house to hang out with her and her twin sister (who I was friends with as well). We had a lot of fun THREESOME Kids callin it "Lord of the Rings" these days, eh? I secretly am the biggest player ever. =P
On September 18 2013 08:23 QuanticHawk wrote: your high school romance follies arent worth three blogs in three days
ahahahahahahahahah banning me isnt gonna change that
Spoken like a true man who's never had HS gfs. Man, I still remember my HS loves.
No need to be so rude to him QuanticHawk. Some people enjoy reading this, and if it is their cup of tea and not yours, then please let them have their cup of tea peacefully. I personally enjoyed it Corazon
Still should keep his stuff in one blog. One topic/story, one blog. It's just common decency.
You seem like a squirrelly guy who hides his emotions but lets them fester and ooze out into stuff.
I actually agree with QHawk. I'm guessing you are around 17-18 years old now, you still have A LOT to learn padowan. #1 Any time a girl is force touching you a lot, she is diggin your midi-chlorian, and you should be force touching her back, and eventually you can get a kiss or move forward from there. If you don't, the chick sees your lack of confidence in the force disturbing. #2 Any time a chick says she needs hyperspace- any time, she is interested, pursuing, or dating a sith lord. If she says this while you are already dating her, tell her you don't play bull's-eye with womp rats or do 'space break nonsense' and break up with her. It will throw her for a loop and make her want you or at least wonder how the fuck the situation got flipped on her like Skywalker in a wampa cave. It is important that you don't give into the darkside, just wait a week or so until she calls you one night wanting you to come over and teach her the ways of the force like her father.
On September 18 2013 13:54 Djzapz wrote: Still should keep his stuff in one blog. One topic/story, one blog. It's just common decency. It was between three blogs or one huge wall of text. The next one won't be for a few days.
Charlie Sheens House51449 Posts
Your a football fan? And you have not been in my thread? :O Blasphemy!
(TeamLiquid Football Thread)
Also. can't wait for part 3, i like being nosy and learning about other peoples lives :3