Another brief post from me today, but mostly just because the game is question was brief. I feel as if I'm in mid/low masters level MMR right now... I've been at a steady 50% win rate again, facing mostly people who were masters last season but apparently got the demotion wave. I REALLY DO KEEP HOPING FOR THAT STAR I WANT IT. Ok moving on time.
replay :
The Game
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Today's game is a PvZ match up, no the map Derelict Watchtower. Not a bad map, fairly suited to my play style too. I open up as per usual with a forge fast expand, and the zerg does whatever zergs do.
A 15 pool, by the looks of it.
Pretty hard, in my opinion, to tell what a zerg's doing before the 5 minute mark. 5 minutes is when their 3rd would (or at least, was) generally going down, and for me that's basically my only indication of whether he'll be aggressive or passive. Until then, I just go ahead and do my usual thing.
A pretty bad wall... That first pylon was too close.
Now at 5 minutes, my probe Johnson checks out that there is, in fact, no 3rd base by the 5 minute mark. BAM. Rush alerts should be going off all over the place now. From obs vision, we can see that the zerg is going for some early roaches.
Now, surely, I must be starting to build up a bit defensively right? Some sentries, some cannons, maybe a voidray!
Errr defenses??
Pathetically bad reaction by me. Not only is my macro a bit bad with not throwing down any gateways, but I didn't prepare defenses at all. I didn't even call in Emily (the MSC). Barely even started a 2nd cannon before the attack hit. I was, simply put, extremely f*cking stupid in this game.
Arr, ye walk the plank!
Thus a lesson is learned in scouting; actually use that information. This loss could have been prevented, even without deviating from what I normally do. A simple voidray could have swept the tides in my favor. But nope. I just totally played as if the zerg had a 3rd.
Perhaps a little less interesting than any other game I've played, but still a lesson to be learnt. Actually think and use information! YEAH! Maybe something like that might help me get to masters. As far as league placement goes, I feel depressed. I really was hoping for that masters, and maybe my MMR actually IS masters now, but not having that star keeps my emotionally down. :'(
Thanks for reading, check in again for yet another daily ladder-age, and have a great day!
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