So as the headline already says..Another pub CM-practice today because Christian's internet is still not up.
First game was a complete stomp.
Second game was really annoying because we lost due to stupid mistakes.
Off-lane and mid fed early on and our carry (Void) didn't get enough farm even though he was free farming all game long.
But a good thing is that we know that we can easily win against a PL in the late game now.
Void really owns the shit out of PL and the rest of the team.
And it also fits our style really well because Christian is a farming carry and Chippy and Ryan (the supports) roam the map a lot and are aggressive so they make a lot of room for Christian.
I am very confident in my draft again and I feel like we're really winning a lot of drafts even though I'm not one of these meta-game victims.
What else can I say..
Obviously there was not going on a lot today because Christian is still not here. At the moment we're all looking forward to playing with Christian again and go for some good ranked games.
Until then we will just go for some pub-stomp with stand-ins.
I'm sorry for this short blog entry again but well..As I stated in my very first post I am just writing my thoughts down and I don't really have a lot of them considering the current state of my body ^.^
If you have any questions or whatever just feel free to ask.
I will reply in the comments then.
Also if you want me to focus on something specific in my next blog just ask aswell.
Thanks for reading this short one again!
Feedback is badly wanted!
NoLuck out