Dear Team Liquid Community!
Beeing a Blizzard-Fan for a while now, since WarCraft II basically, I read TL.net often and would like to share one of my other hobbies with the community, that beeing photography.
I have recently created a blog, that you can visit under following adress: http://jonathanvahsen.blogspot.fr - My Photoblog
I don't even know if TL.Net Community is sensitive to this kind of stuff, but I feel the gaming community beeing very open minded and very eager to discover new stuff, so why not give it a go? Feel free to share any feedback, here, or on the blog. It will be updated regularly and if interest exists, I will update here as well.
On the left side of the blog, you can also visit my Picasa Albums, where more phots are displayed!!
Thank you for watching, Jonathan aka. DirtyDuck
I feel bad because I don't understand everything you wrote in your blog although some of my family members are from france. Ye.I really love the focus in most of your pirctures and how you edited the pictures of the sea is pretty good. I'm going to follow you (:
Hi Daeny,
thank you for the reply and the interest in the pictures!
Regarding the language barrier you raise a valid point, I will probably post and English description in the comments below the pictures...or I will just change the language of the blog to english :-) I need to think about it a bit more.
New pictures will be online soon.
Thank you, Jonathan aka DirtyDuck
Hello everyone,
There are new pictures online, this time it is a series of Prague in Czech Republic, by night.
Thanks for watching !
nice =D what cameras do u use, and why those ones (i'm not very good with photography, but its one of the questions i like asking the most)
Hi Shock710,
I shoot with a Sony Alpha 65: http://store.sony.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?catalogId=10551&storeId=10151&langId=-1&partNumber=SLTA65VK
This body I combine for landscape and wide angle with Sony SAL16-105mm lens.
Why I choose these pictures? Because they were the ones I liked most out of the session, without having to do too much post processing. I like the fact that the cathedral looks like Hogwarts (in the shot with the violet sky) and in the other ones I like the cloud over it. I got lucky to have this scenery and did do the right thing to capture it ;D. In the picture with the withe building, I like the lights, colors and effect on the water with the long exposition.
Glad you enjoy them, cheers, Jonathan
Hi Team Liquid Community,
New pictures are online on the blog. Also, I wrote the comment/description in English.
Hello everyone,
I know it is a busy week-end with Camescon and ESL Finals today and TSL4 stream this evening, but take 2 minutes and check out my page, I updated the layout of my blog, it looks kind of cool now!
Thank you and have a nice week-end, DD
There are new photos online !
GG to MVP, oh yeah