However, at first I will just get back into playing the game. I miss laddering for hours on end so much I can't even begin to explain. Logging in to talk with my friends that share the same awesome hobby, gaming! I love Teamliquid and the community and I want to begin posting and reading through all of the awesome material here.
So, why was I gone for so long? I hit a point in my life where I needed to step away from the computer and focus on other things. Some of you might know that I was married and had a child and a full time job where I needed to travel. Well, my relationship had been on the rocks for quite some time and we decided to get a divorce. I'm now single, living on my own, and working on a whole new career with Microsoft on a specialized Xbox Live team. Life is much different than it was 2 years ago, but I definitely feel as though I've learned a ton and grown up a lot. Now that I'm more settled and focused I can't see a better time to step back into the community than now. I will be bringing my roomate who works at Microsoft with me to join as well. He's a great guy and I think he will really enjoy the wonderful world of Starcraft (2)!
Shoutouts!!! - Nick (Tasteless), Dan (Artosis), Luckyfool, HeyitsClay, Jos (Ret), Benny, and all of the others I played and hung out with daily back a while ago. I can't wait to reconnect with you guys and of course branch out and meet plently more awesome people this community holds.
Thank you again all of you for being a part of this scene and Teamliquid for letting all stay here to connect. It's good to be back