Hi guys, I'd just like to share some of my experiences playing sc2. First of all, these are just some observations I've made and I'm not making any judgement of generalization, so please don't get too angry at me.
So I recently began to play sc2 more seriously. I actually prefer sc2 to brood war since it is less mechanics related, and thus I get to focus more on strategy and such. My mechanics were never superb in BW. So, I enjoy sc2 as a game great deal. Unfortunately, I'm not a big fan of the players I encounter on Bnet. First of all, most of the games I play end with the other player being a fag and building supply depots and pylons everywhere in an effort to not die, prolonging the game by 10 minutes. This has happened three or four times already. (I've only played about 10 games) Also, my opponents tend to be super BM!!!! My opponent has never "gg'd", and they like to send me expletives when I talk to them. This is like a general in-game conversation I experience: Me: "glhf" P2: "wtf does that mean fucking noob go die" Me: "could you stop building pylons everywhere and gg?" P2: "no you are a noob"
This other game I played, I only built marines (because its the only unit I was familiar with at the time) and my opponent only built brood lords. I easily defeated him. He ended the game by saying something like "you are a noob, you only build one unit!!" ironic, isn't it?
So yeah, the players I encounter on Bnet are unbearably retarded most of the time and kind of ruin sc2 for me. So dear sc2 players, do you ever feel the same thing? (that most people on the ladder are huge assholes?) However, I'm only silver-goldish. Are there less fags on the ladder once you get to diamond? The people on iccup and on teamliquid as a whole are generally pretty friendly, so I'm not sure why I'm seeing this. In fact, the entire starcraft community seems like a great group of people. I'm not generalizing sc2 players in any way, but if in about 90% of my games I encounter these people, it inevitable raises some concern in my mind.
Don't bite the trollbait. Just play your own game, auto-mute your opponents if you have to. If they're being bm (not leaving and such), BM them back. Start building OCs all over the map and mule-bomb him. That pisses people off pretty bad.
Yup there are assholes everywhere (even in higher leagues), just gotta deal with it. The building hiding bullshit generally doesn't happen though.
Maybe if you don't call other people fags frequently they will be nicer to you. Just saying
Yes, I should probably just try my best ignore them. However, it still pisses me off a lot.
Magic Woods9326 Posts
Muting the chat is also a good way to avoid the BM. I usually do this.
I usually mute after the glhf.
It's just safer. I especially mute if my opponent doesn't respond to my glhf. Maybe it's just me. I consider that BM. If you don't say anything at the start of the match and your opponent doesn't say anything... whatever. But if I say hey, good luck! And you ignore me, yeah that's pretty bm to begin with. I'll just mute you so I don't have to hear your shit later when I start kicking your ass - and I doubt you're going to give me a ggwp before you leave.
I thought it would get better, but once you get to master MMR it stays about the same. Some people are really manner and others are total assholes.
it's ok. most of the people in those lower leagues not only have no idea what "noob" really means in sc2, but it shouldn't really matter for you. just say glhf, be nice and manner, but don't really expect things from your opponent. in the end, all that BM is just going to distract you from the game and reduces focus. just be manner, do what you can, and eventually, they're gonna be manner too. glgl~!
Just ignore all of them. Just have a good attitude and let them rage.
I love it when they start raging. I just try to piss then off more. I feed on their tears of bitter frustration and anger.
"Me: "glhf" P2: "wtf does that mean fucking noob go die" Me: "could you stop building pylons everywhere and gg?" P2: "no you are a noob"
That seems so unreal to me, worst I get on ladder is just silence(but I sometimes dont respond to stuff so whatever), no gg or thinly veiled balance whine from time to time and I'm in gold too. Had the terran float away like once or twice in last 200 games. Compared to FPS or MOBA games(LoL actually) people are more polite in my expericence.
Yeah, I don't encounter ladder BM that often - it almost never happens. Worst is building floating or just expanding to delay the game. A couple times, I've gotten "toss OP" or something to that effect, but thats it. tbh, i like it when I get BM'ed like that - I use to instigate and aggravate the person even more - the more they rage, the happier I am.
Once they start building pylons everywhere and refuse to surrender, then it's time to have some REAL fun. If you see a pylon, build a CC next to it, then morph the CC into a planetary fortress. Every time he says something, respond with something incredibly random, like "So, do you like Frosted Flakes? I sure do!" or "Have you seen Robocop 3?" and just watch them scream obscenities at you. After you kill their last building, type out "FOR NARNIA!!!!!!" and then win.
On June 21 2012 03:31 ninazerg wrote: Once they start building pylons everywhere and refuse to surrender, then it's time to have some REAL fun. If you see a pylon, build a CC next to it, then morph the CC into a planetary fortress. Every time he says something, respond with something incredibly random, like "So, do you like Frosted Flakes? I sure do!" or "Have you seen Robocop 3?" and just watch them scream obscenities at you. After you kill their last building, type out "FOR NARNIA!!!!!!" and then win. Wow great idea! I'm going to do that next time.
Suck it up and put them on ignore. Consider that you're basically choosing to be affected by their behaviour.
Easy... just be manner and ignore the bm........ gg!!!
Be the greater man and ignore them. If they're REALLY getting on your nerves then just mute.
If you "BM them back" after it is given to you then you both lose, big time. See through the BM and treat the other guy like a human being. Choose to understand why he is angry instead of matching his anger and amplifying it. Don't be the guy who "pisses people off pretty bad", it only makes the whole problem worse.