So some of you have been reading my blogs, from when i went from happy with girl to happy with two girls slowly after that, and then unhappy with no girls shortly after. and now I'm happy with no girls as of last blog.
But seeing as a good portion of my friends were because of my girlfriend's friends, I'm at a loss for putting my life together and moving on. From the more experienced TLers, How can I start getting more groups of friends, and meeting girls again. It's kind of awkward for me since I always found people within my interests and activities to hang out with, or just went to parties and met people (friend of my girlfriend and her friends, all of which cut me off now). But now I'm not taking classes, have no job (can't find one T_T), and there are no real activities for me to go to that I'm aware of. I know there are TL members in the Orlando area but they all have seemed super busy with their lives and I don't want my friends to solely draw from TL and my small group of close friends.
I've been told I should just work on myself and get everything I should be doing in my life together right now, but it's been very lonely, and I've always been a social person. All of a sudden I have no parties to attend, no houses to go hang out at, nothing to do really. It's unnerving for me. I do not own a car or even have my license which is weird for a college student I guess, and now seems like a good opportunity to get it, but I definitely need experience driving and I can't exactly get that right now. If my apartment wasn't so messy because of a roommate who really doesn't understand picking up after himself, I'd have people over... I don't know where to start really.
So TL: For those of you who have been through this before (probably a number of times), what is the best way for me to progress after having pretty much just restarted my life. I feel like I just moved to a new city and need to begin. How do I go about doing that? Help me Teamliquid.
Man, I'm such a kid. Never thought I'd have so much to learn about life at 20.
On a side note, if anyone on TL in Orlando wants to hang out and watch some movies on netflix or Proleague or just go do anything fun Please PM me, Might as well start here. 
What do you currently do? As in, you're 20 years old, so are you a college student? Do you have a full-time job? Part-time job? What is a typical week like for you (weekdays and weekends)? It's summer now; what are your summer plans?
I'm going to school for writing and Anthropology. Currently not taking classes for the summer, I've applied for around a dozen jobs, but haven't gotten any of them except one, for a different store around
My typical week is mondays i tend to walk to the grocery store to pick up stuff for the week, Tuesdays I spend working on my current writing projects. wednesdays is laundry thurs-fri i have nothing to do. Weekends i watch proleaguuuuuu
A lot of free time right now.
Well... you might have seen something like this coming along the time you said "with two girls". But, that's something else entirely.
As for meeting people? I wish I could give you a good answer. I'm absolutely horrible at it, and I'm another 15 years past where you are. However, having said all of that, Orlando is actually a very busy place with a lot of opportunities. Granted, most of the people I met in Orlando were via live action roleplaying games (at UCF, where I was never a student) that I got involved with because of other friends I met through the same mechanism at my school. There should be a lot (and by a lot, I mean "if you're able to get anywhere near I-drive") of potential job opportunities available, and that's one way to meet new people. There are also a lot of subcommunities in the area - sci-fi geeks, RPG geeks, music nerds, random hipsters, writing groups, and more. There are groups like the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism, they recreate things from the past).
Just because you aren't currently in a class, don't think that there's nothing going on at your school. Check the various clubs out, see who's still around. Heck, browse Craigslist for groups/gatherings and the like to see if anything looks interesting. (Then make sure it's not a scam/someone trying to kill you.)
I would say "there are more clubs than you can shake a club at" but you probably can't get into the vast majority of them... yet. But there are coffee shops and interesting little stores littered all over the place, which can have interesting people in them.
Good luck with Anthropology, it's a tough field to make a career out of. And, I'd say hello, but I don't currently live in Orlando although I did enjoy it for some time in the recent past.