I played on the 15th and 17th only so far, had other obligations on other days and was too tired to even ladder. On the 15th I played some of the worst starcraft of my entire life, going 4-8 and losing to a lot of stupid shit from my own horrible play. There was one humorous moment where a zerg 10 pooled me two games in a row and I reacted like a retard both times. First time it was excusable, but I last scout his base, see few drones+completed pool, and throw up pylon in main intending to cannon in mineral line. I do, but I didn't realize it was a 10 pool (thought it was 8) and he had the resources to offensive hatch against me below my ramp and get spines attacking my main! I lose of course. Next game we play on Korhal LE and I try to wall off vs the 10 pool and fail at it, mostly because I don't know the map very well yet. Even the games I won on the 15th were just canceraids and sloppy. 17th went a lot better, going 8-4 and having only 1 really bad brainfart. Also I played and defeated S4 rank 111 GM in a pvp with my archon chargelot push. That was pretty cool I guess, I think I only played 3 gms all of last season (idk if I'm qualified to call myself high masters unless I'm being consistently matched against GMs).
Here's a few highlights. Some horrible play from the 15th, and some mediocre/good play.
http://drop.sc/114177 Chargelot archon vs s4 gm, success. Guy is obv a lot better than me and this build has a nice "surprise!" factor because its so unstandard.
http://drop.sc/114176 Another successful chargelot archon push in pvp
http://drop.sc/114175 The 1/1 triple immortal push I've been describing in this blog. This was just okay executing, there's a small supply block stutter and the robo is a little later than I would have liked, but it worked out okay. Against mutas it's really crucial not to have any holes because a few seconds can mean the game. Vs Roaches it's less important as the game is decided more by whether or not the zerg fucked up and how well you forcefield.
Ladder "Bo3" vs some zerg. Lots of herp derping by both sides.
http://drop.sc/114174 loss vs 6 pool. I've pretty much never walled as a response to an early pool, I've always done the pylon+cannon in mineral line approach.
http://drop.sc/114173 3 immortal push vs 2 base mutas. I would have transfered to my nat after he killed all my probes but I knew I had the game won so I didn't give a fuck.
http://drop.sc/114172 3 immortal push vs 3 base roach/ling, not close. Easy.
Some losses and spots I could have done a lot better.
http://drop.sc/114181 This season's inaugural placement match. Pvt. Good illustration of how horrendously bad I am at pvt and in general.
http://drop.sc/114180 Gold base metalopolis zvp. Me being stupid and modifying my build to do the warp prism first like Sang-Ho. I actually could have made this work if I was better with the offensive forcefields on his ramp. More about this game below.
http://drop.sc/114179 Chargelot Archon opener pvp. Finding creative ways to lose games. In retrospect, simply building units and re-pushing as his nexus is about to complete probably would have won me the game. No blink, no colossi, and no building wall makes chargelot+archon incredibly effective. Taking my nexus early is entirely unimportant, I just need to take it as far before him as possible.
http://drop.sc/114182 FE with Chargelot Archon? CecilSunkure posted a few reps of him doing it this way and I wasn't sure if I would be able to mount an effective push with how narrow the choke is on this map+firing from the high ground. Opponent goes phoenix+gateway units and rolls over me.
Some things to work out based on my first 24 games:
1. Not getting supply blocked performing the 1/1 triple immortal push. Happened pretty badly in the metalopolis vs gold base game and I think I could have won if I had not overreacted to the gold base and executed my push like it was a totally normal game. I could have used warp prism vision+forcefields to totally own him with forcefields on his ramp but sort of panicked and started doing tard stuff with the warp prism before the first immortal and dumbassing around with drop harass. If zergs don't get hydras or infestors and toss executes the build order of the push perfectly, toss should win almost every time with the 1/1 triple immortal push. You don't even really have to ff perfectly, just "enough".
2. Late game pvp composition and maximally exploiting the army advantage conferred by archon chargelot. See the Shakuras game vs Cheerios. Microed it badly in general, but my army was a lot smaller as well.
3. Pvt in general. In one humorous game I scout a reactored starport at 8 minutes with my obs and freak the fuck out and put like 7 stalkers in my main to stop drops. He sees this and reacts like any terran with>100 IQ would (airlift his forces outside of my obs vision and proceed to a move +t my natural while my 7 stalkers are chillin). I manage to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
4. Pvp build order. I'm not sure the 3 stalker rush is the absolute safest thing vs hardcore 4 gates. Axslav was talking about this on his stream earlier; 4 gates actually have a decently easy time getting forward pylons up in your base when you 3 stalker rush. Since my build with the 3 stalker rush goes into twilight instead of robo, this might not apply to me as building a 4th gate and even pulling probes from gas before building the twilight is a totally viable option. I'll probably stick with it and work out some of the beats. I did lose one game to forward pylons in my base while I was waiting for the 2nd and 3rd stalker and now it has me thinking a bit. It's really obvious when the 4 gate is coming, it wouldn't be that hard to pull from 2nd gas and start 4th gate earlier.
There's going to be some zerg tears/balance whine next month when the 1/1 immortal push proliferates downward and the precious 2 base muta+mass spine crawler (the build responsible for the 40/60 toss/zerg winrate abomination that existed in the last release of the tlpd stats) becomes totally neutered. I bet you could also do a fast 3rd version of the push with just 4 gates+1 robo and some cute drop harass. And I bet you could do a non-allin version with 5-6 gates, more probes, and a reasonably timed 3rd that would still force a zerg not to drone and could still win outright against some builds.