Hey all, not sure where to post this, figured Blog was best bet.
I have recently posted on CraigsList to sell my electronic drum set. I received contact from an interested buyer. He then explained that he works outside of the country, and that this was a gift for his son.
Apparently he can only pay through pay pal, and asked me for some information before doing so:
Paypal name : Paypal email account : Your location : And your phone number: He then asked me to remove the post from craigslist as he was interested in purchasing the item.
Does this seem legit? I have no experience with craigslist, or much with paypal. I am pretty desperate for the money at the moment, hence asking here if anyone had any information I could use in figuring out if this is legit.
My add offered free delivery within my home city. The perspective buyer said he has a pickup agent that would come pick up the set after payment was sorted out.
Seem legit?
edit Seems to be for sure a scam. I'm going to post his response to me, anyone who stumbles across this blog searching up on something similar can have a reference.
Thanks everyone for your help <3
+ Show Spoiler +Great. am glad to read from you ,will appreciate more pictures... i am a Adventure Traveler, i am on mission at the moment and i will be back at the end of next month.I am buying this for my son, so am willing to offer you the amount you required,you have to understand,my work is important,I can only pay through PayPal at the moment as i don't have access to my bank account online(i don't have internet banking with it), but i have it attached to my PayPal account, and this is why i insisted on using PayPal to pay,i've decided to cover the PayPal 3% charges and you will get your exact asking price,all i will need is your PayPal email address to make the payments, and if you don't have a PayPal account yet, you can set one up at www.paypal.com it cant take you less than 3mins to do that, i will be expecting your PayPal email so l can pay and also get back to me with your best price on this. I have a pick up agent that will come for the pick up after payments has been sorted. I will need the below information in other to transfer the fund into your paypal account Paypal name : Paypal email account : Your location : And your phone number: I will really appreciate if you can delete posting from Craigslist because am willing to buy this now. Hope to read from you soon.
no it is not.
edit: to clarify
Whenever someone offers to buy something off of you with paypal, but is convieniently out of the country or town that the item is located in, but has a third party that can pick up the item after payment is made is 9/10 a scam. The scammer can do a charge back on his paypal account. He gets his money back, you do not receive any money and your item has been collected by the third party and is gone.
Just google search craiglist paypal scams and you will get stories from people who have received similar emails.
Ask him if he's a Nigerian prince, in that case you'll know he's good for the money.
Didn't seem legit. More research after posting has shown this.
Thanks for the help <3
Nonono does not sound good at all.
Paypal makes it very easy for the buyer to withdraw payment. Also, Paypal favors on the buyer's side in disputes more often than not so you would be taking a risk to sell the drumset.
Calgary25964 Posts
If you ever have even the slightest feeling that something isn't legit online, don't do it.
If your concerned, better safe then sorry.
Adventure Traveler =) That's adorable!
No, when he says he works outside of the country i would of been like...Nope, i only did 1 craigslist deal and i did that in person at a VERY busy area to make sure nothing creepy happened.
On February 17 2012 03:16 Chill wrote: If you ever have even the slightest feeling that something isn't legit online, don't do it. If you ever have the slightest feeling that something isn't legit online, it isn't.
Paypal scams are so popular... Be careful. This is obvs not legit.
On February 17 2012 02:55 Kralic wrote: no it is not.
edit: to clarify
Whenever someone offers to buy something off of you with paypal, but is convieniently out of the country or town that the item is located in, but has a third party that can pick up the item after payment is made is 9/10 a scam. The scammer can do a charge back on his paypal account. He gets his money back, you do not receive any money and your item has been collected by the third party and is gone.
Just google search craiglist paypal scams and you will get stories from people who have received similar emails.
bingo. at first i thought you were saying it is not a scam, but then i guess you were answering if it is legit. this man is correct, this type of third party/out of country transactions are very popular forms of online scamming. easily scam.
You don't even have to ask anybody. This is so obvious a scam, if they play turtle with you saying this and that trying to make up a story instead of coming to your place and check it out then obviously it's a scam.
Durp, if you also want to know another way to tell if it is not a scam is, ask them if you can call to hammer out the details for picking up the item, just say you will not access to your email for a little while. A lot of the time a legit person will call and the scammer will dissapear.
Doesn't even mention the item. Looks like it's a mass email copy/paste.
To be sure just ask him to transfer the money to the agent who is supposed to pick up the drum set from you. Have the agent then pay you in cash during the transaction. If this isn't a scam, he should not be against that. Too bad it is
NEVER DO CRAIGSLIST VIA ANYTHING OTHER THAN CASH. Seriously though, the whole point of doing craigslist is to do sell/buy locally with cash and meeting in person so you can verify the product. Also, always meet in fairly secure area, and tell someone where you are going before going to any craigslist deals. I would bring a friend along as well, because I have had a friend clubbed in the head by some teenagers in a deal, and was almost robbed, but his gf was in the car, locked the doors, and called he cops. He had about 10 iphones (like $4k) in the car that could have lost if he didn't have his gf with him.
take the tip and dont do craigslist its bad
When you sell through paypal do a request money form. Then write out the invoice using that with the information of the product and paypal will request the money for you using that invoice. Don't just give him your email and have him send you the money!
Aotearoa39261 Posts