Playing starcraft is a lot like driving past a bad accident. You want to look away, but you can't; your eyes focus on the "action". I'm talking about the battles that take place in each and every game.
In my(our) journey to get better at starcraft, we have to train ourselves to focus on the raw, basic mechanics... Perhaps even place limits on our games like: "Only look at the main part of the screen w/ peripheral vision."
Im finding it hard to control the impulse to look at the battles going on. So much that I have determined THIS is the reason why (my) macro slips up. I'll be macroing up just fine: keeping mins low, not getting supply capped, building units, etc.-- everything is fine until the "action" starts.
I know this is a common problem amongst players, but I wonder what the best training system is. Some might say "practice", others may have better suggestions?
United States24494 Posts
Well yea, some of the benefit of practice is you gain the experience to multitask... in doing so you get better at deciding when to look at action and when to look away.
Try watching first person views of good players for an idea of when they are looking at a battle and when they aren't.
Don't look at the action and focus on everything else i.e. building units, making workers, expanding, making sure your upgrades are ok? I assume you play terran, you can macro while looking at the battle. You kind of solved your question already, don't look at the battle. Better suggestions than practice? Is there anything better than practice? Really?
What league are you in? If you are in lower leagues, I would suggest you just click on your base, macro, and totally ignore the battle, since there isnt too much micro that goes on in the first place. In diamond and masters if you don't micro at all you and lose your army horrifically you'll lose the game, so its not worth it.
It's one of the hardest parts of the game, and its something you have to drill. If you don't want to do it on ladder, you can do it on custom games so theres no real loss for losing. Get in the habit of macroing in the middle of your battles, and watch your replays to see when your macro slips. Maybe write a note and stick it somewhere to remind yourself. It's something I'm trying to work on as well. As terran, I wait until the micro becomes less intensive, run my army backwards and macro, then continue fighting, but i still find myself floating a lot :/
Placing limits on yourself is a great way to train if you dont mind losing a lot first.