I woke up that morning waiting for Area51.Focus to drive down to my house. Since I live right outside of Atlantic City, New Jersey, we had to leave my house by 7am to get down to D.C by 11am. But because of the snowfall the night before (< 1 inch), I thought we would be okay because there wouldnt be as much. Well, that completely backfired. As soon as we started driving to D.C, we both saw how horrible the roads were. But we were still optimistic because we still thought that the Express way and turn pike would be cleared by the time we got on them. Wrong. They were even worse, the roads were filled with slush. So we had to drive down there going about ~45 mph until we had hit Maryland and from there, the roads were finally clear enough to be driving 65 mph. The only significant part of the ride down was that we almost died because of swerving on the slush next to a 18 wheeler wheels spitting snow at our windshield. Very scary but some how got untouched.
So after the long bullshit of driving, we finally made it to the LAN. We noticed there was a chinese place every 5 steps you walked, it was kinda ridiculous but we didnt think of anything of it. We go up to the 2nd floor with our gear and thank god that there were only about 5 people there. We were so afraid of not being able to get a computer cuz of how slow we had to drive. Me and Focus walk in, I start yelling our Area51.Mind's name to see where he was seated, and luckily, we were able to sit down next to him and start practicing. The computers started to fill up fast and we were really looking into playing this tournament. From our time warming up and the tournament starting, every nerd was silent. Its not like a CS lan or any other LAN where people talk to each other, there is no trash talking. Thats what I miss from CS1.6, no one in SC2 trash talks and yells across the room.
The tournament begins, Me, Area51.Focus, Area51.Mind were all top of our groups. We finished with a 3-0 and were in the championship bracket. We were just hoping that we didnt have to play each other as long as possible in the bracket. So when we were waiting for the brackets to be made, I asked vile's Illusion if he wanted to come eat with us at McDonalds since that was the closest place without getting lost. He came along, which i was very surprised and pleased. We walk into McDonalds, we were the only white people. Now it made sense that we saw a chinese place every 5 steps, we were in china town. I felt so out of place, and when we walked in with Illusion (he is Korean), they kinda starred at us. Or maybe it was the fact that they realized why people call me 'Model Zerg' (thanks coL academy for calling me that). Surprising enough, Vile's Illusion ate more then Area51's Focus. Illusion was able to eat both of his McGang Bangs and his fries while our own Focus, couldnt do it. (idk how but focus could eat Illusion if he wanted too)
After we eat, we go back to the car and start driving to the LAN. In the car we fine out that Illusion isnt contracted yet and I threaten him to sign with us or he'll never get to see his family again (jokking of course). But he didnt fall for us because he knows I wouldnt hurt a fly unless someone cheeses me. We get back to the LAN and find out that the brackets are up (finally). We start playing our games, Area51 players win RO16. In the RO8 I lose to NrG LuckyFool 1-2 (Top 90 NA server GM terran) and Area51.Mind loses to LgNAvilo 0-2 (Top 50 NA server GM Terran) and Area51.Focus wins vs vGAndfield (150 GM Protoss Player). Focus goes onto RO4 and loses to some zerg from vG that No one has ever heard before. Anyway, to finish this up, Area51Focus played NrG LuckyFool and won 2-1 to get 3rd place. Mind and myself were very surprised that Focus won and we were also very happy that he won. Its amazing how well he plays when He has solid internet, a good computer, and more then 25 FPS. Because that is what he plays with at home, a shitty computer with horrible internet. But after he won 3rd place, we left because we still had a 4 hour drive home and it was already 9PM.
Thank you for reading this blog! I just want to say thank you to Area51's management, the best that ive dealt with in my SC2 career so far! Also thanks to Area51.Ares for being the coolest mother f*cka i know.
Till the next one,
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