Then.. there's that calm. A calm that always seems to be there, no matter how violent or peaceful the soul has exited this world. All that remains is a corpse, pallor mortis, algor mortis, rigor mortis, livor mortis.. it will happen to us all eventually. We will all become that corpse, the body that has no soul, no life, left in a way that portrays our last actions, what we were doing when death came and took us. That calm always seems to be there, I've always managed to sense it. Whether the person decided to overdose, freeze, jump, shoot, hang or if it was medical, something out of their control that took them, in the end, all that is left is the calm. It's really hard to explain, and it's not the same thing as when you go to the funeral home and say your good byes to a relative. It's the termination of life, abruptly and uninterrupted by others. I guess you might not know it until you experience it.
Do you ever wonder? Why someones time was up, what factors pushed them over the edge and if it was meant to be because it was their time to go? We live out our life and die at the end, maybe its because individually we were all allotted a certain amount of time in this existence and maybe those people who check out are people who were recalled early. I'm not saying that this is fact, I'm not saying this is what I believe, but its thoughts that have crossed my mind when trying to make sense of it all. What about you, the reader. Have we shared any of these thoughts? have you had any different ones of your own? We live in a world where religious beliefs are vast and varied among the populace. I'm not saying one of them is right, I'm not saying any of them are right or wrong, I'm not asking you to believe in God, the Devil or anything in between, but do you ever wonder? Where does the dispensation of life and death come from? Is there order? Is it random? Will I be recalled?
I guess I've rambled enough for now, it's been a long week with work and what not and I catch myself wondering, wondering about these things that we will never really have the answer to..