Day two was ok, I kinda got into it late because of the gym and just played for an hour longer then normal in the mornings. I lost to a GM zerg in the playhem tournament who 1 based me when I hatch first that was pretty sad as I wanted to see how my macro goes against a GM. Did a lot of ZvZ, and some ZvT and a lot of ZvP, but my ZvP was with people below diamond so I wouldn't count it as ZvP practice all that much ^^
Day three was the most challenging. Playhem I went up against a GM Protoss who utterly destroyed me, despite me doing a ling runby and taking out his main nexus, I stayed on ling bane for a little too long(he was doing zealot stalker, no sentries). I was planning to do ling infestor but I just never got to infestors. In hindsight I should of got roaches at least. Tons more ZvZ practice and a few team games.
Day four is why I'm making this blog. First up, my clan has a weekly tournament. I played against someone on my clans pro team(where I want to be~~~) my computer froze for half a second and his banes hit my lings, so I had to call it there. I'm pretty disappointed because it was the first time we played together(well main races anyways) and I lost so easily. Then I played in the Z33K daily. I went really well in that, made it to ro3.. where I met sixjax's very own DDE. I got utterly destroyed. I was already shaking before the match and they were only getting worse as the match progressed. He opened reaper expand, which I saw coming and everything. He bunkered my natural(this is on dual sight) and from there I panicked. Made a spine and just stopped macroing. I didn't even make my queens or zerglings until my spine was half done, so he managed to kill 8 drones with 2 reapers, I was ready to leave at that stage but I didn't give up just yet.
The game goes on for 9 minutes, and then I see with my lings parked outside his base a 1 siege tank ~15 marine push. Easy to deal with right? Wrong. I only had 44 drones, 2 queens and 1 ling, and supply blocked. And guess what was on his path to my base? Yup! 3 overlords, what's worse was.. I didn't even have my bane nest. All I had was 1 ling on the watchtower, which promptly died on DDE's victory march. After this match I realized the difference between your average joe and a pro gamer. I didn't get why the people on my clans pro team really only kept to themselves, and now I know. I am even more determined now to get to pro status, the amount of skill required is a large step from where I am sitting right now, but I think when I get to my 9 hours a day worth of training, within a month of that I will be good enough to not get flustered when I'm in the presence of a noteworthy progamer, and I can take games off of them.
I continued on in my journey of tournaments after losing to DDE so badly, and met some masters terran in a bo3 of the IP Open on Z33K. He proxy 11/11'nd me.. And killed 2 drones so I was pretty happy with myself not losing much there, then I go for a bane bust because I knew I was ahead, I kept scouting to see if he was prepared for one and I saw a starport and a factory, the factory without an addon. I threw down evos and when they were done, 2 spores at each base expecting cloaked banshees. I proceeded with my bane bust when they were placed and to my surprise.. He had like 4 banshees off of 2 port. I killed all his scvs, and a starport he was waiting for a banshee to finish from and then he flew all his buildings and then tried to win with his banshees, but I threw down spore after spore when I saw 2 port banshee so I was so safe. Game 2 I 7 pooled him since he chose XNC. Why did I 7 pool? His choice of a 2 player map, that has shortish rush distances made me suspicious of more proxy raxes. If all goes well, I'll win with a 2-0 if not then I will choose a large map where proxying won't be as effective. It went pretty well. All scvs dead bar 1 attacking my hatchery and I had my drones heading back to work with my lings camping his barracks. He then started to BM me for 7 pooling when he proxy 11/11 then 2 port banshee'd me the previous game. People like that make me face palm a little.
Then here comes the second reason I made this blog. Fatigue.
Ro2 came along and it was another ZvT against someone from Rev(I presume that's revoki) anyway, he opened 1 rax expand I did a 14 hatch 14 gas 14 pool and all was well, he stopped all scouting of his base and he rocked out with 4 blue flame hellions. I had to sacrifice so many lings in order to get him to pull back from the middle of the map to make sure I could get spines up in time, and thankfully I could. Game continues on as normal and I get for a quickish lair with a spire. He scans the second I place my spire, so as the scan faded I canceled and made an infestation pit. He was going what I thought was mech so I went roach infestor.. He didn't go mech. He went marine tank hellion, and after watching the replay again, I missed out on scouting the 3 reactored barracks at the bottom of his base. He killed my third sooo fast and contained me on 2 bases. This game went on for what felt like 30 minutes but was really 15 minutes(in game) and after the game I was just completely exhausted.
This was like.. an hour ago that I actually started being tired and it still hasn't worn off. I don't want to play any more sc2 because I just don't feel like moving my fingers as fast as I do(no mean to self brag but 250 apm ^^)
So at the time of writing the above it's half hour till my 2nd training schedule begins and I still don't feel like doing anything. I don't know if it's the heat or it's just fatigue but I just don't feel like doing anything right now
My friend decided she wanted to play, so I joined the game and started playing again. Fatigue or not I got a schedule to play and I'll play it. I know the feeling of not wanting to go to work, but I want to work and it's a complete different feeling, but I'll endure it and hope it's not any type of sc2 burnout ^^;
I ended up playing around 20 more games with her, practising hatch first vs hatch first, roach ling and ling bane all-ins etc. Was sooo refreshing from tournaments where it was so serious. I'm really grateful for her because she's so supportive. I'm still pretty exhausted, but I've been playing since 7, nearly 11 hours. Probably 8 hours actually in game though, so I'm calling it quits for today.
Anyways, another blog next week or maybe tomorrow, depends if anything cool has happened.
Thanks for reading again!