So after getting pretty frustrated with the way I've been playing on Kings of Tin, and the fact that I want to get better and do some more casting in the future - I've decided to work on my Starcraft 2. Since I've read most of the popular guides, and watch Mr. Day[9] when I can, I've come to the conclusion that I'm absolute shit at remembering games and that prompted me to keep a spreadsheet on games that I've played.
I'm going through each of the games that I have played and figuring out what I do well and what I do poorly. Every 10-15 matches I'm writing down my biggest problems in Notepad and leaving it open on my 2nd monitor to remind me while I'm playing. It's a nice way to keep track of what's happening, since the match history in game is focused around single games and doesn't really highlight big issues/problems.
djWHEAT and I have been playing a lot of practice games as he's trying to learn off-races to help him with casting and for Kings of Tin. (Normally, he crushes me when he plays Zerg)
Here's the spreadsheet that I'm using for analysis. Are there any other glaring things that I should note on that spreadsheet? Something obvious I'm missing?
I'll be streaming when I can over at my Twitch.tv channel
We can't really tell what you're struggling with specifically unless we see some replays, but like Day[9] says, a lot of times just focusing on typical macro stuff like keeping your money low, suppy depots, etc, can improve your game immensely. And since Starcraft at lower levels is largely a memory game, the problem is solved just by remembering to do all that, so the notepad on a seperate screen is actually a really good idea :D
Best of luck with everything though :D
Good luck Steven! Master's league 3v3 GET!
I am Master's league 3v3. :o But that's primarily due to Spanishiwa. Hahaha
noooo kings of tin is no fun without all the fail. i love watching djwheat staying on one base with like 2k/2k banked. the fails are my favorite part of the show!!
Good luck man, hit me up if you want some help, pretty surre i can help ya out, even if its just a few tips and tricks! Haegr.742
Baltimore, USA22250 Posts
Oh hey, it's wacksteven.
GL HF Chris.
On August 08 2011 01:47 Diglett wrote: noooo kings of tin is no fun without all the fail. i love watching djwheat staying on one base with like 2k/2k banked. the fails are my favorite part of the show!!
Then you'll be happy that I begin going random only starting tonight
On August 08 2011 01:43 wacksteven wrote: I am Master's league 3v3. :o But that's primarily due to Spanishiwa. Hahaha Good for you for giving credit. Most people would have just stated that they were in masters. I play a lot of 2v2 and i sometimes can manage to get my partner into diamond and then they go on to state they are therfore in "Diamond" when in 1 v 1 they are in bronze.