First, a little information about me and this blog.
I am a highschool student just finishing up his final exams this year and I got into starcraft roughly half a year after release. Since then I have fought all the way up from bronze and my patented proxy 3 starport mass vikings all the way into the prestigious Diamond league.
This blog is more for self motivation to analyze my replays and improve my gameplay than to be an incredibly engaging read. However if you like the posts I welcome you to comment here
Until I find a cleaner format to present my games like this I will do this:
Game #1, TvZ on Xel'Naga Caverns (21:00):
I open with a standard 2 rax pressure build into expand. I don't mean to outright kill the zerg but I want to kill off a few drones.
The zerg opens hatch first.
During the pressuring I get a decent number of lings and drones with my marines but my macro slipped and the harvester count was 24 to 29 in his favour.
I throw down my CC at 7:00 and get 2 factories to start producing tanks.
At 11:00 I fake push with some marines and 3 tanks, I destroy some creep tumours and retreat. This had the effect I wanted, he produced many lings and the harvester count got to 47 to 48 in his favour.
13:00 a pair of mutalisks come in my base but do nothing and retreat in the face of marines. However drone count skyrockets again for him to bring it to 54-70. I retaliate with a huge push Marine Medivac Tank style. Stim finishes in the nick of time as my marines retreat from banelings and dance around the tanks. I then set up a sieging position between the third and the natural and destroy the hatchery at the natural.
16:00 the engagement ends and I am ahead with workers, 68 to 60. I have been diligently macroing and now have a substantial second army that holds his minor counter attack.
I only wait a minute and a half before my next attack which is much the same but with thors. However my lack of scouting got the better of me and Ultralisks come out of nowhere and wipe me off the planet.
He pushes onward to my base which I miraculously hold with a few marines and tanks, the supply lead for me is substantial: 173 to 91 and I attack.
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He leaves with no GG:
Notes to self:
Harass more, spend more timing trying to keep tabs on what zerg is teching to.
Micro micro micro, many marines died uselessly.
Game #2, TvZ on Scrap Station (18:00):
I open with a blue flame hellion drop, he goes for some sort of speedling expand.
He knew I was going hellions, so he made roaches
I move out with my handful of marines, 2 medivacs and 3 hellions and do a mini attack on the front and kill a few lings.
I drop the marines at the natural of the zerg The hellions at the main.
I kill 10 workers, making the count 30 to 34 in my favour. However all the marines were lost.
12:00 The zerg is getting many roaches and banelings, plus a spire. His muta count never got very high as a result and I drop into the main yet again. Now I have 19 workers killed total Harvesters 40 to 45 for me.
Across the game I got many supply blocks as I am not very practised with this build...
My second is a bit delayed but I am comfortable with it considering my kill count.
Our army size is equal at about 13:50 and he takes the middle base third. My vikigns are scouting around for stray overlords and find none.
I push the zerg player at 14:20, BUT I FORGOT TO RESEARCH SIEGE. He rolls into my army and I do not have the reproduction ability of my last game.
17:00 he makes a lot of banelings and rolls into my base.
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I lose, spectacularly.
Notes: Macro better while microing, Multitask is important.
Stronger production ability needed.
Better recognition of iminent attacks needed.
Research siege.
This was just meant to be a bit of a preview, if you guys like the blog I will spend more time doing written analysis of my games. I may just do a few each day and then very quickly summarize my other games like this:
Game #3, TvP on Tal'darim Altar:
Opened my super standard 2 rax Marine Marauder.
I get a reaper after the marine, scout a DT shrine, shrine was cancelled on second look-through, robo bay in place. I do what was meant to be light pressure with a few marines and marauders but do SIGNIFICANT damage.
He makes a new DT shrine and does what feels like huge damage to me, but I was up 2 bases on him and he was 0-0 on his army, while i was 3-2 on my attack.
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I win, by a landslide.
Game #4, TvP on The Shattered Temple:
I again do my 2 rax Marine Marauder expand. But I do AMAZING DAMAGE, yet at the same time LOSE THE GAME.
My reaper goes to the back of his mineral line as I push and gets a whoping 11 kills, however I get forcefielded at the front and my frontal attack gets wasted.
I thought he could not possibly reinforce the weak army he had of just a few stalkers and sentries, so I lift my CC and float to the natural, he attacks with a force way bigger than I expected.
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I lose.
Game #5 TvR on Taldarim Altar:
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Note to self: Never re-live the bronze league again.