This is my way of crowdsourcing an answer to a small problem I am having regarding my thesis. I need to find articles on trash talk in sports and while it goes alright for me initially I would like to have some help in a particular way.
I am looking to discover an academic author who is seminal with regards to sports sociology as a field of study and who has done research on things like trash talk in sports. If you know anyone who is studying sports psychology or sociology in University or college maybe you can just ask them about the topic. All I need is a name of an author whom I can track down myself. Perhaps if you yourself have a professor interested in the topic let me know who they are and what university they teach it and I can hopefully contact them for some information.
I go to University of Ottawa in Ottawa Canada and the school has a strong reputation in human kinetics and the biosciences with regards to sports but is not sociologically strong with regards to sports and leisure studies so I have hit a wall as far as local faculty goes.
Any help is greatly appreciated