Up until this point, my macro has been perhaps not perfect, but good enough. I go for an expansion as well as blink so that I can hop into his base and kill some SCVs (with an observer providing sight into his base). This is where things start to go downhill. During my expanding, teching to blink, and eventually harassing his mineral line with the blink stalkers to great success, my macro really starts to suffer, particularly my unit production, as I begin focusing almost exclusively on microing the stalkers and making sure I’m building the right buildings.
Because of this, even though I massively delay his expansion and annihilate his SCVs, he’s able to simply march out and kill me. I just don’t have enough units to defend, even against a one-base push. I posted a replay a while back in which I covered my poor Protoss macro, but I thought I had come a long way since then. Apparently not.
Check out the replay with commentary:
Lesson Learned:
1. Constantly produce units no matter what other things you’re doing. It’s really not that hard.