However, there is this one rare instance that you find a player who is a good sport even though you have "pwned" him in a match of sorts. When I played Starcraft 2, I get about 2 polite players so far. My recent opponent even lol'd at the loss of his units that he had to sacifice his drones, which I admit is damn hilarious. I admired him for his decent turtling, even though it's a tad excessive for a Protoss player. We watched the replay together and exchange hilarious comments of how we played and gave a bit of advice, though I doubt he would take it since I myself am a Bronzie and I have a long way to go to improve my strategy. On the bright side, I think I finally got the Roach Opener just right.
Anyway, players who are consistently polite whether they win or lose are awesome and it's people like them that make the gaming community a fun place to be part of. There's nothing wrong with being a good sport, as it starts with a simple GG.
Anyways, now I got THAT out of my chest, I wanna say something that is completely unrelated to the topic: