Well, I just played my placement matches, and I got into Gold!
The game crashed during my first game when I was about to destroy my opponent's base (the guy even said I was going to win when I chatted with him after).
I lost another 2 fair and square. One was against a Terran that dropped me after I threw away too many units at his wall-off. The second was against a zerg that went lings and hydras, and I just didn't have a good mid-game strat, so I kept losing units during his attacks, and he overwhelmed me.
I've obviously got a way to go, but I hope I can stay in Gold (not get demoted) and then improve.
PM me if you want to play a game sometime. I don't always have a lot of time to play each night, but I'll try to work something out, even if we have to schedule a game.
Congrats and best of wishes! If you are not already well aware there are a lot of great resources out there (Team Liquid being one of them) for your improvement. A lot of players below Diamond league have given credit to their progression thanks to Day9 if you are already not tuneing into him.
I almost thought you were advertising fodder, haha.
Congragulations machu!
Thanks guys!
I've been practicing against the AI for a few weeks to build up my macro and following advice from Day[9] as well as things I've picked up over the last few years watching the pros. I rarely played BW online, and when I did, it was with friends (not ICCup). So, even though I've been a fan of the esport for a few years now, this is my first adventure trying to get better myself.