Hey there folks, especially the ones from Sweden!
This August I'm going to Huskvarna to participate in Renju and Gomoku World Championship. I was wondering if there's any TLer from Huskvarna here to give me few tips on cheap pubs, things to see and stuff like that, because google gives me mostly gardening equipment
Also if anyone knew how to get there easily from Stockholm airport (or at least to Jonkoping) and how much it approximately costs, I'd really appreciate it!
Norway28529 Posts
world championships in gomoku? doesn't it just end in a draw when people are really good?
no, not at all
edit: i don't know if you know the game, but in classic "five in a row" game there's sure win for the player who begins, that means if you play right moves you can't lose. We "pros" play with more complicated rules - first player puts an "opening" which means black, white, black stone (it's played on GO board), and second player can either a) choose black or white side (this forces the first player to put balanced opening) OR add another black and white stone after which the first player chooses black or white side.