I am looking for a few practice partners, obviously at the same or higher skill level.
I am looking to improve my play significantly, but need some more buddies before I can achieve this goal. When that's said, I have to emphasize that I am unable to play every single day at all hours... I got a problem called 'school-work' which takes up a lot of my time, but I am definitely trying to free up more and more space to live out my SC2 fantasies.
I speak English quite well, and would love to use this chance to train my English accent and vocabulary, so I would appreciate it if you are not from Denmark. (my native country - as this would probably not accomplish this secondary goal) - To this I must add that I will most likely make some embarrassing mistakes which will lead to a lot of awkward silences and misunderstandings, hopefully you will consider this as an acceptable loss.
Of noteworthy streams that I follow I can mention:
I consider my SC2 knowledge to be quite extensive, so I won't have a problem with theory-crafting about different builds and tactics if that is something you'd like to engage in.
Personal information:
Name: Morten
Native country: Denmark
Occupation: University Student
Age: 23
This will be all I am willing to disclose in an open forum I think.
I'm looking for Z's, T's, and P's who own a microphone, so we can use voice communication such as Skype/Ventrilo/Teamspeak/Whatever you prefer.
Hope to hear from some of you - and yes, this was indeed inspired by Day9.
Ohh shit forgot my server/timezone...
Its EU/GMT+1, I mostly play in the evenings.