Firstly I would like to apologize for how the blog looks cause I do know it’s not candy for the eye. And I would also like to apologize for my English in these posts cause it’s not my native language, so I hope people’s heads don’t explode after reading my sloppy and bad posts. This blog will show my progress in the Starcraft 2 ladder and what tactics etc I use to get better, and I want to share this information with all players out there who yearn to get better.
Anyways, I am a 20 year old game computer programming student which lives in Sweden and likes to play games.. not farmville, I am deeply sorry!I would consider myself average in about everything I do, it’s mostly cause I cant be arsed to do stuff that require effort, words of a true slacker. But I do believe that anyone can do anything if they put their mind to it. I have long thought about trying to become a pro in Starcraft 2, but since I am so lazy I’ve always only played for a week at a time( proxy. 100-200 1 v 1 games since beta). But now I’ve decided to change my life on many levels and not just in gaming. Getting a better schedule in life and all that good stuff!
So with getting a better life I would also like to become a good gamer cause that has been a dream for long. I enjoy games and I enjoy playing against other people, and I know the game gets more fun the better you are( I hope hehe).
I started playing with Starcraft BroodWar but I was never that good at it and did not understand anything of the game at all, so I sucked( but I played like 15 games cause I thought Zerg were So I decided to at least become a bit better when Starcraft 2 came out, so I began reading on the wikipage about the races and different units. I also began watching allot of SC2 beta games , thank allot Husky and HD cause without you I would probably not have begun playing at all. When I got the beta I was so pumped to play and I choose Protoss cause, I thought of them as the “cool” race. And I only got the chance to play for like 1 week of the beta because of school. So that went down the gutter, and after the summer when SC2 was released I lacked the cash to buy it!
So when I got the game I had been watching games and replays and been reading like crazy the whole summer about SC2. And I choose Terran as my main Race this time and I got so much better at the game only trough reading and most importantly thanks to Mr Day9! Oh he is baller, can’t thank you enough you! <3
After my placement games I got to Gold League and a few games after that to Platinum League. Then I played some tournaments with Diamond Players etc. I lost bad but still was allot of fun( won at least a few games ). But I took breaks and got worse or other played got better. And after 2 months I felt Terran was not the correct race for me, and I thought about it along time and finally switched to Zerg. Had to change my name to aCakeZerg from aCake to stick with the race hehe. Anyways I love Zerg as my main race and I have only played like 12 games with them to learn the buildings etc.. I love macro hehe . So after I picked Zerg as my race It was Christmas break and I stopped playing and I have not picked up the game again until just today! Meanwhile not playing I decided to become a really good player and start playing like a good player should (hotkeys , macro etc etc). And I also want to help other players in getting better cause I think if I can do it, others can to. So I will make this a blog for players like me, trying to get better and post results, replays and tactics, just basics of how I will get better and how you might as well !
This ^ is what the blog is about, to get better and help others getting better and I hope it was not just a clusterfuck to read!
Peace out from aCake <3