In a few months I'm going to have an amazing night, a night i'll never forget. Problem is I have no idea what to do. I need help coming up with ideas for what to do. Getting wasted is a given, possibly some drugs too but idk where to get them  Basically I'm getting out of the military and my child is going to be born soon, I need an amazing night to break the difference between who I was and who I will be. A clean break seems best for me and it's what I plan on doing. 22yr old btw. Drugs mainly because I've never tried it before cause i wasnt allowed to being in the military and all. So all in all I need help with this. I got a few friends though I doubt they will be able to keep up with me in some aspects of what i want to do. Argh, im so scatterbrained I can't even think of what to do with this blog. I'll update as I see fit. Any help is appreciated.
Right where am i from, DC+Baltimore metro area, like right in the middle of the two, so more than likely it'll start a club playing a good dubstep/Dnb artist.
Man, doing drugs is bad mmmkay...
I wouldn't bother with that stuff anyway... just rent a bowling alley and bowl man!
Do what you want to do. To be honest, if you don't want to do drugs but feel you're missing out on an experience, don't bother. Some will call me ignorant for that but you shouldn't be forced to do all these things if they aren't of remote interest.
If they are, tell me what it's like /paradoxicalbastard
Strippers, get strippers. I always wanted a girl coming out of my cake and singing Happy Birthday a la JFK
I'm married so unfortunately casual sex is out of the question
Do what you got to do, but if you're planning on getting stoned/wasted I suggest you hide your phone before you start, and keep a sober friend nearby.
This post doesn't make much sense. You're saying you want a clean break from who you used to be but then you say you've never done any drugs before. So what is the point of doing them now?
Anyway it sounds more like you're talking about a night of hedonism. If it were a night of nihilism (whatever that means) then you probably wouldn't be putting any limitations on it!
Try mescaline, it's the only way to fly.
On February 25 2011 08:23 McDonalds wrote: This post doesn't make much sense. You're saying you want a clean break from who you used to be but then you say you've never done any drugs before. So what is the point of doing them now?
Anyway it sounds more like you're talking about a night of hedonism. If it were a night of nihilism (whatever that means) then you probably wouldn't be putting any limitations on it! You're right I want to not care but I do :/ But this is who I am atm a freethinking sociopath who just wants to party everyday but my social sensibilities are forcing me into a normal and tbh emotionally stable life so have fun, a lot of it, in one night and just "for the most part" leave it all behind and raise my family in a socially conscious and decent way.
Well I hope you actually have the character to do something you've always really wanted to do once and then never seriously consider doing it again.
But if there is any chance that you weren't kidding around about being somewhat unbalanced or whatever then I would think a little longer about whether or not you want to do any drugs. If there is any history of mental health issues in your family then you could trigger or aggrivate any condition you might have. It doesn't happen to everyone but it happens often enough to be something you need to consider if you'd like to have a normal life from the next morning on.
OP please rethink this, to me this is one of the strangest things I have ever heard. Also please do NOT take ANY drugs, from cannabis to heroin unless you are with someone you can trust your life with and they understand how the drug works/affects. I know growing up you are taught that parties/clubs/drugs is the best combination possible but it is just not true, it is all fake happiness when you go to those places.
What I would do is take an adventure, travel the world, meet new people, eat new foods.
Life is a trip, when doing drugs you change that trip, I'm not saying that this is a bad thing but you may learn things about yourself and others around you.
Recreational drugs! It's what all the cool kids are doing. Except you're motherfucking 22. Grow up.
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If you're going to use recreational drugs then it probably makes more sense to do so when your brain has finished developing.
They say you only live once. Evaluate and weigh the costs/benefits of your actions. Then decide what to do.
If you really want to buy drugs, I advise you to find somebody in the loop that you can trust. I've seen a lot of people just get shot and/or mugged because they didn't know any better.
may i just ask? whats the point of getting wasted AND taking drugs, doesnt the effects dish out one another?
It all depends on whether I can easily find it tbh, though you know as they say you can tell a person by the friends he keeps with him. They're all very mature stable people idk why im the only one fucked up enough to dwell on things ive never done. 22 is young bro, I was just able to drink a year ago and honestly now's the time when people should be allowed to take drugs. Developed enough to be responsible, so I think I'm good. I deal with depression nearly every day of my life, this dark heavy thing bearing down on my mind at all times but daytoday it barely affects me. Mainly cause I sit there and I'm like what do i have to be sad about, my dad never raped so as far as im concerned im good to go. I do get quite emo if I get wasted and fuck updoing something. So that could be bad but life is an adventure and now is the only time i have to experience it. @terrakin, you say i may learn things about myself and others, seems thats important, as to me knowing the truth of matters is very important to me. I know exactly why I'm doing this and while I may not agree with it I do realize that years down the line I'll regret not doing it and I never want to regret anything cause while I may be able to self analyze the feelings i have they are still there, so better to completely remove the possibility of negative emotion.
I don't know. Still sounds like a bad idea to me. Especially if you get like 'quite emo'. Some drugs can scar you for the rest of your life. What you are stating about missing out on life and that kind of thing, is really a problematic point of view, because we're all basically missing out on something all the time. You can't experience everything in life. That's not possible, but you could make your life so that you get the best out of it, naturally by seeking out those experiences that you think you would appreciate or are interested in experiencing. In my opinion drugs aren't interesting. They are just a waste of time. If you want to do something wild, why don't you climb a mountain? I always get the feeling that doing drugs is just the cheap and easy way to experience something thrilling in ones life. Kind of sad, but you decide.