I’d like to take a moment to thank all the people who made this thousandth post possible: All those in the mafia forum. You guys are great to argue with and though I really haven’t gotten to know any of you really well you all seem like totally awesome people. The mafia forum is my favorite place on TL so thanks to all of you who make t so fun (I’m not going to make any personal call outs because I’d inevitably forget someone

So you ask, what will I talk about for my thousandth post? Well I’m going to teach you how to beat 7 comps on brutal in C&C RA2 Yuri’s revenge. I play this without super weapons or crates, I have money set on high, and I play at faster speed. The map I can do this most consistently on is Russian Roulette spawning in the 9 o’clock position. The race I’ll be using is Yuri.
Start by building a bio reactor and putting your first bunch of initiates in the reactor. Depending on how many you start with you should fill the reactor up and this will give you enough power to last the first several minutes of the game. While the reactor is building start constructing tank bunkers for your starting tanks. After the reactor finishes you should build one barracks. Remember because you started with money on high you don’t have to build a slave miner right away. As your barracks is building continue making bunkers until you’ve bunkered up all your tanks. When you barracks finishes build your slave miner so that you can kick start your income. Once this is done immediately build a psychic detector so you can begin training Yuri clones. Once your psychic detector is done, start pumping out the Yuri clones and begin building your factory.
The clones will start popping right as the first attack comes. This is the hardest part. You have to hold your bunker line with two or three clones against all 7 comps. However it is manageable. The first step is to put your factory on hold so you can divert all excess cash to repairing your bunkers. Make sure that you keep your clones in the back and do most of the fighting in front of your bunkers so you can keep your miner and buildings safe. If you micro the units your clones mind control well it is possible to sustain zero losses of your own units however if you have any Allied enemies they will probably kill at least one tank with harriers as you have no AA at this point.
Throughout this time you should continue producing clones so at some point you are able to mind control all incoming enemies. Once this first attack has been repulsed continue building your factory. As soon as it finishes, build a slave miner out of the factory and build a slave miner out of the building production tab. Build additional reactors as necessary. There are three entrances to your base in the 9 o’clock position so as soon as the pressure is off from the first attack you should move out and secure each of the entrances. This makes you fight a three front war but it is actually more efficient that way because the attacking forces will be split and not so powerful. When your two new slave miners are completed, you will now have enough income to mount a good basic defense. Add a grinder to gain extra cash from the units your clones mind control and you’ll be well on your way to financial security.
However this security will not last. You need AA. After the first couple of attacks fail the soviet enemies will switch to kirovs. If you have three or four soviet enemies then you need to start pumping gatling tanks. Rally them to the ledge outside your base where the kirovs fly over and start massing. At least fifteen are needed in order to take the kirovs out before they get to your base. Remember, kirovs will damage anything they fall on when they die so make sure to micro your gatling tanks away from the impact points. If you’ve survived so far, you should have between thirty and fifty clones and twenty or so gatling tanks. No air units should be able to hit your base and almost all attacking units should be mind controlled and sent to the grinder. If your sphere of influence is wide enough then you can feel free to take two of the oil refineries outside of your base for extra income.
At this point you should be secure enough to tech up. Get that battle lab out so you can get the cloning vats to pump clones faster. Also the battle lab will unlock your only valuable offensive unit, the flying disk. However these are only useful in flocks of twenty or more so add on some factories to increase production speed and start waiting. If you happen to mind control group of valuable units such as prism tanks feel free to use them to go on the offensive. Remember, every mind controlled unit represents you playing with house money; you’re gaining an advantage even if you lose them because your enemy doesn’t have them.
As soon as you’ve reached critical mass of disks it’s time to make your assault. Remember to immediately use the disks siphons to shut down static AA defense and start stealing money from the refineries. Then just waste the base and roll to the next. Congratulations! You’ve just beat 7 brutal computers.
This was probably pretty boring for those who don’t play RA2 and for those who do you’re all probably saying “noob please there are easier was to do this.” But hey! These are the first set of brutal comps I beat in any game so I thought this was thousand post worthy. Hope you enjoyed :D
Edit: Hell yeah Corsair!!! My favorite BW unit :D