i first got involved when i was watching my dad play the last mission of the original SC game and constantly asking 'are they te bad guys?' cos the vulture's beard looked kinda wierd on our crap monitor. The next day i learned to play on the original 1st 'lesson' mission, then i worked through the campaign and got the BW expansion set on my mum's computer and found the 'multiplayer' button and made the account as some wierd sososocool name and played with my friend twice and thought that i had to kil every building to win and i raged out when he left. After that i had a bit of a down time.
So me and my dad got a new computer (acer laptop) and thought that it would be perfect for playing multiplayer on battle.ne, but no i got storm_error_requires_upgrade and i had to play the computer, man i am got so bored of that hydra lurker/ marine medic/ mass zealot attacks and found to hold them off.
Around february i discovered SC2 battle reports on youtube and immediatly found Huskystarcraft and HDstarcraft and began eating up our 10gb download limit being forced to get up a 6am to watch the HDH1, for 4-6 months i longed for a beta key, dreamt of one, would kill for one.
Eventually the 27th of July came so i had a decision on my now outdated pc,install SC2 or watch idrA vs tester in the KOTB finals i chose SC2... And discovered a wonder known as FPS lag - hidous FPS lag sometimes going down to 0. I decided pre release i would play protoss and quickly started owning in the practice league. The next i went into placement, the speed on faster, too fast - i lost 4 and on the last one i decided i would 6 pool with zerg that was the only placement match i won was a 6 pool on steppes of war.
The months that followed were lagging and getting owned in the bronze league, switching races every now again, i finaly settled on zerg for september to now and got promoted to silver eventually.
On the 25th of december i recieved a whopper of a computer my uncle had made 60 times better FPs (60) with other programs running. A few days later i had and epic day i found a build - mass + 1 speedlings it owned in zvz and my other MUs were going well as well and i got promoted not just to gold but platinum! The days after were dier, massive losing streaks, not playing ladder for days, only started when i went back to school i began laddering again and winning. So hear i am from extreme scrub to mild scrub.
Thanks to Tracer, BoonSolo, Slyman, Flash dave (aka_star), Xis and everyone on TL, HD and Husky, Day[9], Psystarcraft, tasteless, Multidemonzz, have a nice day