That is why I LOVE to read in interviews about how they had to practice 10 hours, forgo play time, and concentrate constantly on this game we love.
And because I think there are others who are like me out there, I've collected a few resources that more or less point towards the daily schedules of various progamers. If you have some sources, please don't hesitate to include it here.
Huk, Idra
Jae Ho "Moon" Jang jang jae ho moon practicing&hl=en&gl=ca&strip=1
Also, if you youtube the short documentary called "The Hax Life" there are a few interviews with Nada, Moon, and some CS player who say they practice at the very least 8 hours. The CS player somehow manages to practice 18 hours a day and have a girlfriend.
DC/Image artist Jim Lee
Not a progamer, but one of my heroes growing up, talks about how he got to where he is today. It's a 2 parter so the part he talks about might be in part 2.
And if you want to become a mangaka, prepare to exist with little more than a few hours of sleep and free time a week.