PvT on Blistering Sands and my Stalker heavy 3gate push finds several Marauders out of 3rax (2tech, 1reactor) and hangs around WAY too long and I lose a lot of food (10 food at the 10 minute mark is not a good sign).
Basically, I make a strong push that I've been working on for several days and has won literally every PvT since I got out of the build tester, and I encounter the absolute worst unit comp I could imagine. I've hit everything from 2rax to FE to fast siege tech to fast cloak banshees and never done worse than a complete gut of their base before being held off. I've NEVER been held off before.
At this point I'm scrambling, but I dropped my expo on time, dropped the robo, kept up my probes'n'pylons, and kept on keeping on. Terran pushes back as my natural finish (luckily just before I maynard), obliterate my forces due to poor micro (guardian shield amplifies damage taken that's why I didn't use it, I swear). and I'm a dozen food behind with units in my base.
Seven minutes later I push into his base, do significant damage, equalize in food, and two minutes after that he GG's out.
Two weeks ago I would have fallen apart after my push failed. Last week I wouldn't have been able to keep up macro while he pushed back and raped my base. Five days ago I would have been too scared to counter through his backdoor. Three days ago I wouldn't have known when to pull out. Yesterday I would have forgotten to take my gold and pressure his final push. Today, I get one more win than I would have otherwise.
It's an amazing feeling to improve. My play is by no means perfect, and I acknowledge that. My play isn't even really "good," but I've won my last 11 games, am on a roll, constantly wanna hit that "Find Match" button and I finally feel like I know what I'm doing. Having fun playing video games is a good feeling