I definitely would not go so far as to say this was the greatest of all time. If anything, I preferred the FoxeR vs. KyrixZenith sets much more. Kyrix ceaseless baneling production helped FoxeR showcase his superb micro and also made for a tense atmosphere during much of each set (the last one in particular). Knowing that at any moment FoxeR could lose from a single misclick... FoxeR vs. NesTea was entertaining to watch, but there were more exciting matchups even within the GSL2 not to mention in all of SC history (perhaps you only meant SC2, but I still feel that there have been more, or at least equally exciting matchups like the Kyrix/FoxeR matchup I mentioned).
On November 15 2010 03:58 Krazilec wrote: this entire post makes my brain hurt. Firstly, you fail to see that Zergbong didnt actually get a thousand times better, its just much harder to be a SCBW pro, and a paragraph long rant about how "awful" zergbong was isnt the best way to start a post. And your overuse of the word Bonjwa tells me that you dont really understand its full implications. Bonjwas dont just win one tournament, they win EVERY tournament. Nextly, micro isnt a fucking revolutionary idea, its been happening for a while now. Just because Foxer is really good at micro doesnt mean he fundamentally changed anything about the game. (in terms of playstyle) In conclusion, FFS stop using Zergbong like an insulting name and stop saying Bonjwa every fifth word, and this is FAR from the greatest series of all time.
this entire post made my brain hurt. Firstly, you fail when you presume to know what is the 'best way' to start a post. Zergbong's SC1 career was a failure, that's the history. Now it may be true that he didn't get 'a thousand times better'. He'd probably still be bad at SCBW if he went back to play it now. However, the reality is that he IS good at SC2 for whatever reason, so while the fact that he wasn't great at SCBW and is good at SC2 doesn't mean that he's gotten much better at SC as a whole, it still emphasizes that his progaming career went from a failed one to a successful one (or at least, he's won one major tournament, we'll see if he can keep it up). And your exaggeration of the number of times ZTR said Bonjwa is a lame way to discredit him. 'Stop saying Bonjwa every fifth word'... He only said it TWO times in his whole post. Nextly*, micro may not be a fucking revolutionary idea, but going as marine heavy as FoxeR did was unique play. In conclusion, FFS stop insulting ZTR even if he may not be completely 'correct' in everything he says. Simply pointing out what you disagree with and why is enough.
*Not a real word by the way. Should I rant about that? Say something like, 'Clearly you don't really understand the English language'. No, that just sounds stupid, but it's what you were doing ranting about bonjwa when you could simply explain to him what a 'bonjwa' actually was without all the flaming.
Did my post annoy you? Well it should have been as I copied your post's format which comes off as quite aggressive. ZTR was writing a friendly blog post expressing his opinion of the GSL outcome. On a side note, I don't usually swear. I find it quite immature. In fact, even in real life I can count the number of times I've sworn on one hand o.O
On November 15 2010 04:22 HwangjaeTerran wrote: Yeah EllenPage is pretty cool but I still think stealing BoxeRs nick makes him an asshole.
Really? You know the quote, "Imitation is the sincerest of flattery." Not sure I see how using another's name makes one a jerk. FoxeR admires SlayerSBoxeR. He would have to be a complete idiot to think that he can fool people into thinking he is the real BoxeR and steal SlayerSBoxeR's fame... yea, I'm pretty sure FoxeR's imitation was simply a toast to his childhood hero. No malice intended.
On Novermber 15 2010 11:10 Krazilec wrote: So first you insult me. Then you either fail to address my points, or seemingly agree with them. Then you round it out with a big pile of meaningless bullshit. For god sake if you write something check to make sure that it actually fucking means something.
What? I'm confused. Unless you are a troll, in which case this makes perfect sense. How did he insult you? What else could ZTR had said to point out that he only said 'bonjwa' twice? He couldn't have phrased it much more gently. He then even corrects himself... he takes your advice and clarifies, yet you call this 'fail[ing] to address [your] points' and 'round[ing] it out with a big pile of meaningless bullshit'. Guess you can't be satisfied, not to mention, overly sensitive.
By the way, if you are a troll and therefore get satisfaction from making other people angry, know that your posts have elicited laughter, not anger. So, don't get satisfaction thinking you've made others angry, because you haven't. =) Cheers. If you aren't a troll, lighten up. What do you have against others?