Intel Q6600(quad core) @ 2.4 Ghz
4GB ram
Nvidia GeForce G8800 GT
Sure it's a bit old but it should still be able to run SC2 on the lowest settings without a problem right? I remember being able to play the beta on high setting without a problem.
Lately, since launch, I have been getting serious fps drops in the late game. When there are more than 100 units or so on the screen I sometimes get 5-10 fps. I get this when running all the graphics on the lowest settings and while using the lowest resolution possible. I have the latest drivers and no other programs running. Have been checking my performance in windows task manager and none of my cores are even near 100% usage. I have more than 30GB of free space on every hard drive partition. Does anyone else have the same problem? If not I guess ill just have to reformat and see if that works.